Day 2,021, 11:14 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Rican


Warning….. some of the content herein might require you to put your egos aside and therefore might be disturbing to young children and sensitive readers.

First of all, when there is a PTO threat in your eCountry, please do not blame the entire eCountry that the PTOers came from… every eCountry has it's bad apples… even yours.
Generalizations like this are unhealthy and untrue. I know many honorable players from many countries and I truly believe that most players are honorable.

What is a PTO ?
It is a political take over or a coup d’état of your eCountry by players from another eCountry.

They troll our articles with lies and deceit wrapping themselves in our flags, holding a bible and kissing a baby.
They spew the propaganda of hate wherever they go. They are the lowest of the low... the alley trash of the eWorld.

I refer to one element of this game that is a festering wound... a malignant cancer... a putrid pustule.

This is an excerpt from a recent article by my friend Kemal Ergenekon:

So, what do we do about it ? ? ? This is the purpose of this article.

● First let’s talk about Political Party elections. We have one coming up next Saturday. You have to try to do your best to only have one trusted party member running for Party President in each party. Don’t take the risk of splitting the votes in favor of the foreign invader.

● This is one of the times that you will need to put your egos aside and work for the good of your party and your country. You cannot allow a PTOer to win the election.

● This may require talking amongst yourselves to decide who will run this month. Communicating is the key here. Sure there are differences of opinions in each party, but that does not compare to losing the party completely !

● You may even consider a Primary election in advance to decide if the different candidates cannot agree on their own.

● In this way you will be able to maintain the power of trusted members.

● Now… regarding CP (Country President) elections. All the same steps are necessary… but on steroids.

● Don’t lose votes to the evil PTOers. Don’t have votes split by having more than one candidate. The PTOers are doing enough damage… don’t create your own damage. Splitting votes among yourselves is the true killer. It is the way you lose your countries.

● Don’t let your egos determine the fate of your countries… communicate !

● Sure there are differences of opinions in each party, but that does not compare to losing the party completely !

● Have a primary election if necessary.

● Have a primary election if necessary.

● Have a primary election if necessary.

OK…. Now the worst case scenario.

If it looks like you might lose your country to the PTOers… MOVE YOUR MONEY ! ! !

● Get your money out of your organizations and your Treasury !

● Split the money among several (4-6) citizens that are beyond reproach and who’s only goal is to protect your country.

● Don’t let the evil doers get your money !

● Once again… egos are the killer here and communication is the key.

● Be warned however, that if the PTOers get into power, they will flood your media with stories about how you stole country money. They will twist and turn the facts. They will call YOU the PTOers !

● What do you do about that you ask… transparency. Tell your citizens exactly what is going on and why you took the steps you did.

I am sure that there are many more suggestions to help in your struggle and I hope that some of them will be offered by my readers in the comments below.

The PTOers are cowards that know only destruction and nothing about creation. These are the sad souls that take some perverse pleasure in tearing countries apart. And these are the sad souls that know nothing about the friends and relationships that make this game worthwhile. They want our countries to bleed them dry and to rape and pillage every citizen and bank account.



My best regards and my wishes of good luck to every country.

