Hello Canada (Day Six - part 2)

Day 1,406, 00:35 Published in Canada Greece by sweeta

As I say in my article, this one Free stuff for eCanadians, today I have chosen 3 winners by those who left comment at my articles on Days 1403-1405 eRepublik.

One of those:
1. Canadio - 3 comments
2. chriswen - 2 comments
3. Sava21 - 2 comments
4. Guy Levy - 1 comment
5. JoshW - 1 comment
6. Mazin Abdallah - 1 comment

will receive some extra supllies.
I changed 3th supplement at 5 tanks (before was 10 q5 food)

They are:
1. Sava21 - 15 q5 weapons: Successfuly transfered 15 item(s) to Sava21.
2. Canadio - 10 q5 weapons: Successfuly transfered 10 item(s) to Canadio.
3. JoshW - 5 q5 weapon: Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to JoshW.

Hopping for being useful, I wish you luck for tomorrow. Thank you all.

P.S. I need confirmation by comment that you have received the supplies.

Also, my special thanks to everyone who have voted for me on 25th September.