Happy eBirthday to me - Reflection of my first year.

Day 1,889, 07:56 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper
Hello friends!
Today is a special day, for it is the day I turned 1 years old on this fine game 🙂
*Pulls party popper and puts on birthday hat*

Year’s reflection
In the past year I started my citizenship in the UK where I was a total noob until about June/July. I have met some great folks and been a member of some great societies: Royal Navy, Liberty UK, TUP, UKRP, Liberty CA, CW, MDP.

I enjoyed the UK while it lasted but I started to get a bit fed up and bored, hence came the decision to move elsewhere and set up an MU of my own. The MU continues to grow each day and is currently at 22 members already.

I have tried to be as friendly as possible and have given pretty much everything I earn straight to my Military Unit, Liberty CA. I do not profit from it, but I enjoy helping others fight for eCanada and deal out as much damage as possible.
My 2nd in command Sm1tty and I have been working very hard in finding the right strategies and it is great to see so many people willing to help our cause.

Politically I prefer to stay neutral. I enjoyed CW while I was a member but since joining MDP I haven’t really looked back. I love the community of MDP and have made many friends. I like politics for the banter it brings, not necessarily the full in depth discussion as I don’t really have time for it 😛 However, MDP FTW! Ever forward 🙂

Plans and hopefuls for this year
My plan for this year is to try and grow my MU, sort out my factories which will enable me to supply moar weapons for everyone and encourage as many people as possible to get involved in captaincy and roles inside the MU. It is also a personal goal to try and reach GoW.
Politically I would like to increase my activity and perhaps go for congress later in the year when my exams are out the way and I will have more time to concentrate.
I would like to thank everyone who has given me support over the past year, in both the eUK and eCanada. I have met some great people, too many to name and our IRC conversations each night get ever more amusing. (#liberty)

New Image

As some of you may have noticed, I changed my avatar from Lights () to Javet, played by Russell Crowe in the film Les Miserables (I highly recommend it) I changed it because people were getting confused with my gender (had it's benefits) but I like it because it gives a more command like image! 😶

One final note is of course a recruiting message!

We are a well organised community, giving out daily supplies, giving rewards for ranking and BH’s and also the friendly members who are willing to help those in need and support each other.

Thank you for reading. Vote/comment
- Pat Harper (Liberty CA commander)

Links and references

Please vote for this article at the top of the page before clicking on any of these links.

LibertyCA WIKI
Commanders WIKI
The 2nd Commander
2nd Commanders paper
Liberty CA