Guide to easy and money-making Blackmarket.

Day 1,734, 05:15 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

I discovered it very recently, but everyone deserves the right to know.
You can make money by "exporting-importing" weapons easily.

Basic principles:
1. You sell at your country of citizenship.
2. You buy at your country of citenzenship AND the country you LIVE.
2.1 For moving to another country go to your profile.

In recent weapons rise, I moved to Poland bought 19.50 GBP Q5 and sold them for 24.00 or even more, that's a 10% benefit ( and yes I've discounted VAT).

Big players, who has a lot of friends, do this without moving, just transferring goods via "donate" button, this way they even save moving costs.

Which are the best countries to this?

- Poland
- Slovenia
- Spain

Which is the rate of benefit per hour? It depends on how saturated the market is. You can expect 200 GBP per hour, easily,

Which events trigger such imbalances ? Well, this time it was a mission. Other times it might be a war. But bet on missions.

Please comment, sorry guys. New players deserve any help, and low prices is a good help. Having lowest prices in the country benefit the country, it does not benefit 40+ levels.