Gold or More Gold

Day 2,817, 09:55 Published in USA USA by as George sTrolls
One gold quest The Encyclopedia Britannica, thirteenth edition 1926, what heading did the following quote fall under? "When Turkey entered into the War in 1914 a further attempt was made to make political use of the Turkish claim to the ..... by the proclamation of a Jihad in which all Moslems were called upon to fight in defence of the Khalifah and were threatened with the punishment of hell if they supported his enemies."

My Salvadorian joke; upon reading a brief expose of my friend's homeland, which explained what junta meant in English, I allowed this new found fact upon my friend, his reply with a sneer was but, "yeah, junta junta". Together together (a sexual reference); the junta, hasn't changed much. They tell me immigrants bound for the US stop in El Salvador, to work for and save US dollars before heading north.

I worked at a caterers with my over sexed Salvadorian friend, he turned me onto international futbol, very enjoyable sports entertainment. I got talked into going to the park, beer was involved, they were going to play, it had been an intimidating thought (me participating) until I saw them running around. I excused myself to exchange my attire, not only did I get into great shape, had the pleasure to physically compete within the bounds of good sportsmanship, well until the other gringos started showing up.

If there is any interest, happy to try and not tell a to distorted account of pushing and elbowing by fellow gringos upon me.

Finally finished my three 25 comments mission; and to share in my reward I offer three gold for the account (I like best )of the Native Americans taking on the samurai of Japan, the timeline and such are from the two listed articles following.