Gin O' Clock with Konrad Neumann

Day 3,245, 08:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Duchess of Sin

I meet Konrad at his rooms in the Savoy, stepping over the empty bottles and other remnants of last night's party. I make a mental note I wasn't invited and join him at the breakfast table. I'm not entirely sure if I should be happy or somehow disappointed he is wearing a white hotel robe this morning. We pop the champagne, as I get ready to grill this gorgeous piece of man-meat.

America, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, the UK. You've been a citizen in many countries, and this time, you claim you'll stay in the UK.
But will you ? What makes you so sure?

If you look at my eBirthday, I was born on Apr 17, 2008. A lot of things changed during that time period. The game was very different back in the day as game mechanics was very different. I traveled a lot for many reasons. Some of it was for economic bonus while others for political reasons like Germany being invaded by the Polish and Swedish or a PTO etc. I do see myself to be in eUK for the foreseeable future. eBelgium is PTOed and even if they are liberated, I do want a taste of fresh air and something new. I help guard eBE for a long time with my good friends like Fhaemita, Curlybear, Frankie18, etc. It is time for someone else to take the reins. I have been in eNL and eGermany for a really long time as well. I really do like their community but at this point, I could use a new challenge. Besides I was invited by Aaron Marks Daniels so I cannot and do not want to leave so soon. So I will enjoy my Woldy time for now.

Your extensive travels have brought you all over the eWorld, of course, so I simply have to ask: which country has the sexiest men? And how do they compare to our own, British men?
Belgian men. I have to say it since I am eMarried to one. I have to say that. The End.

You describe yourself as a genteel philosopher and self-proclaimed defender of rainbow rights, yet I see many war medals and achievements under your name. Is there a bloodthirsty beast lurking beneath that friendly surface?

I am not sure that I did proclaim to be a defender of rainbow rights but as to your question, one can defend your position. If you look at my age, then you can see that I am not much of a fighter. With only 51k strength and a handful of medals etc, I did not spend most of my times fighting. However, fighting for what you believe in is at the core of the philosophers’ heart. As life is a dialectical process where there Is struggle for progress. It is at conflicts and war when you see the heart of systematic and societal problems where you can analyze and critique.

Besides, Ludwig Wittgenstein one of the most influential philosophers in recent times abandon his studies with Bertrand Russell and went back to his native Austria and fought in WWI. There he wrote his famous Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. I am no Wittgenstein but there are philosophers who thought in wars too.

Sorry, you were waying? I got distracted by the window cleaner. Speaking of which, many of your avatars depict a naked man. Do you have a vestimentary problem, darling? Should I take you shopping?

Clothing is an artificial construct. There are multiple reasons why I went with the shirtless men avatar. I started using my naked men avatars when the Belgian “communist” PTOers started to have an influence in eBE. They have mostly naked women avatars. Their propaganda articles have a few words but mostly large breasted women with nothing but a string on etc. The PTOers are chauvinistic as they told our female members of our community to go back to the kitchen. They are also very homophobic as they made a lot of comments like “that is gay: etc. So I decided to use the shirtless avatar since I am gay and to critique their sexist and unprogressive ways.
Besides, I do enjoy the view anyways…

Oh, it's a lovely view indeed. You're a happily married man, father of many eChildren. So, no dark rooms for you anymore then?

I am a family man now 😛

And that's so not answering the question 😉
Being back in the UK, what can we expect? Do you have certain ambitions? Goals? World domination perhaps?

I want to get to know the political landscape again. I do not have overly ambitious plans as of now as I am really busy with RL. However, I do want to be in congress in the future. I have done so much already in this game. I was CP of Germany. One of the founders of a major alliance [PHOENIX], I was PP of so many different parties, congressman for 45 times etc. I have done what I can do. I just want to find a nice and cozy community and enjoy their company.

And last but not least, we all know the shallowness that is the web. I'm even daring to bet you're actually quite a nice and decent man behind that screen. Spoiler it for us, shed some light: who is Konrad Neumann when he's not humming The Weather Girls?

I live in New Jersey in real life. I work in an inner city urban school where it is a port of entry for many Latin American families especially Dominicans.. My school is in a district is a really poor functioning school where 90 percent of the students live under the poverty line. I teach many subjects like economics, American politics, and European History.

I am very interested in the social sciences and I do read a lot about it. I am currently interested in the US election coming up soon. I feel like they are making me choose between cancer or aids. So I choose the Green Party and will vote for Jill Stein. I know I am throwing my vote away but at least I am not making a huge mistake like Brexit. (Too soon?)

I am a fan of football. My favorite teams are Borussia Dortmund, Tottenham Hotspurs, and Liverpool (only because of Jurgen Klopp). In regards to national football, my team is Germany. (Please do not throw me out of your country now)…

It's being debated, darling, it's being debated.