Get to Know Our Citizens

Day 565, 17:58 Published in Australia Canada by Homer J Simpson

I am looking at publishing a series of articles looking at individuals within eAustralia to help us get to know each other a little better. If you are interested just fill in the answers for the questions below and PM them to me.


Homer J

- How long have you been on eRep?
- What countries have you lived in?
- Did you come to eRep with any preconceived ideas or were you just trying something new?
- Have you had any political activity e.g. served as senetor, party president etc.?
- What party do you currently belong to?
- What do you hope to achieve in eRep? e.g President, Media Mogul, successful business
- Where do you see eAustralia in the future?
- In RL what sport do you follow and what is your favourite team?
- In RL what industry do you work in and does this influence your decision making on eRep?