Day 2,866, 00:41 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Do you have FTFP?
Do you suffer from the following symptoms?
Do you run with the herd! like Cro Magnon husband club
Is your biggest swearword Buster! "now listen here buster"
Do you drive a Prius in rl!
Do you play your music softly in your flat!
Have you never had a hangover because you never consumed enough alcohol for a HANGOVER!

Then you might have a rare eDisease called FTFP or FAILURE TO FORFEIT POINT

Main symptom being never receiving a Forfeit Point!

if so I want to issue a warning to your fellow player. beware of this anomaly of humanity! Always watch your back when standing in a queue before a FTFP sufferer because their sickness may spread. Never engage the FTFP user in arguments!

Even players who have like Krakken received about 20 FP points may start displaying symptoms of this severe sickness. Here is how one stop the virus in its first steps.

1. Swear swear swear till the above symptoms pass.
2. Play your music at full volume until police stop you for being "noisy"
3. Never run with the herd vote for any other party but the Cro Magnon husband club.
4. Immediately go and buy a Volkswagen because all Volkswagen owners will tell you: I dont drive a p* . Most of have even taken our cars to the factory to have settings on computer that say how many emissions we make doubled. Take that nature : ha ha cough cough. Eat my emissions nature eat it! "Fahrvergnügen: It's what makes a car a Volkswagen"
5. Do not vote for Cro Magnon husband club. DO NOT, BUSTER!
6. Have real hangovers.
7. Take screenshots of your FP for later private enjoy mints.
8. Do not vote CRO MEGA .
9. Ignore all rules.
10 Fight hard every day and train hard every day.
11. Go for as many experience points as possible.