Forgetting the Past? Or Acting Differently?

Day 1,577, 06:15 Published in Canada Canada by Derakor

So I looked back on my old articles, and found an interesting comment that I wish to discuss.

I will quote what the person sai😛

Rigour6: "...while I take your point, I invite you to see the example of rl truth and reconciliation commissions. These are based in part on the notion that pretending the past didn't happen does not allow a nation to heal and move forward."

Now, I have seen the example of rl truth and reconciliation commissions, and how one should not forget the past in order to heal and move forward. That said, that's not what I'm doing. I'm simply choosing to focus on the true issue.

Rolo's past is known, and I doubt anyone will forget. But until we can get Congress back on board, and have Congress in a state of Sanity, or even have an effective and respected Judicial System, there is no point in us continuing this infighting that is crippling our progress.

Now on the issue of healing and moving forward, a certain perspective must be changed on what eCanada is using to proceed. This is what my point is, that eCanada. Most successful people that heal and move forward from traumatic issues regarding friends or family usually starts with voluntary forgiveness, even if one does not deserve or respect that forgiveness.

Doesn't mean he should get away scott free from his crimes. But that we need to proceed with a little more of a respectful attitude to all members of eCanada. It's the only thing that makes us truely different from those that would harm us, and the rest of eCanada.

It is the righteous thing to do. Those that disagree are blinded by anger, and a wish for revenge. Well revenge normally is returned with more revenge, next thing you know we get into situations like this.

Rolo isn't innocent, don't think I'm saying that he is, or that his crimes should not be continually unpunished, nor those of the Ex-Pats and exiles. I'm simply saying the attitude of eCanada on all our current issues are met with an attitude detrimental to eCanadian cooperation, and politics.

Instead of anger, we need respect,
Instead of revenge, we need forgiveness.

I want Rolo and the Ex-Pats brought to justice, just not a justice that is bent on revenge.