For a Healthy TD - Paschoall

Day 946, 22:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Paschoall
Hello dear eIrish man and women !
How are you doing ?
I'm hoping for Healthy 🙂

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Today I'll try to be very very very punctual to save your time, my time and still get you to understand what I'm up to in Congress:
1) The past term
2) The future term
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1) The past term

> Dáil relate😛
- Check'd Dáil forums most likelly everyday
- Sign'd in every week
- Voted for every single proposal out there ( on forums and in game)
- Stated my opinion on discussions
- Proposed a heads up about Health management and Minister of Health (MoH) under v2 (see it here:
- Learned how to spell Ceann Comhairle and was elected one*
* Long story short: CC role is to organize our TD forums. I was elected to it lasting arround 1 week till the end of TD term

> Ministery related
- Was apointed to be Minister of Health for the SECOND time (thanks MooMoo for picking me for the job)
- Gift stocks rose from arround 400ish to 1900ish and 10 days are still there to be lived
- Arround 30 people aided
- Distributed and sold cheap Q1 houses
- Cleared out our State Diamonds' stock 😉
- Bought Diamonds from eIrish people (management of Irish State Gifts in general)
- Lauched a Q5 house auction (*thanks to Jster who donated it)

> Army related
- Fought under IDF and ICA orders (not a single order differed amongst them)
- Fought 6 times per day every battle there was
- Distributed ICA weapons a few times
- Lana was visited 5 times (TD and HW medal money 😉 )

> IRC:
- I was there all days and most of the day. Fact.

> v2 (Rising):
- Been a beta tester for over a week
- Constantly learning about v2 to use that knowledge to promote eIreland in v2

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2) The future term

- I wanna do a better job than I did this last term in all the roles I was elected to

- I'm all in for the development of eIreland presently and international eExposure. As well as work on the basis to promote eIreland as a top nation under v2.

- I want to be a Minister again. If noone applies for Health, i shall propose myself as MoH again. if someone does, I shall propose myself in another Ministery

- I wanna run again for CC (FULL TIME this time, not only 7 days ...)*
* this will be my focus this next term if I get elected = CC roles. I wanna get the forum organized very very very well. TDs will have a way better environment to propose, discuss and vote things up.

> AAAND I wanna be CONGRESSMAN for my third time. I will be running under Cork and Kerry.

- Please vote me up 🙂
- If you need Moving Tickets I'll make sure you get them (PM me)

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~ If anyone wanna chat with me or simple ask any questions, feel free to PM me and I'll be very happy to answer 🙂

Minister of Health,
Ceann Comhairle

~ PS: sorry bout maaah grammar mistakes (I'm in a hurry as I'm exchaning apartments in RL...)