Fight for South Korean freedom!

Day 2,489, 23:59 Published in Switzerland Lithuania by Walen II

Hello everyone!

As you noticed, South Korea proposed a airstrike in Switzerland. It was all planed by Root and the governments involved. Switzerland will give 2 of our core regions to Korea, it will help both countries because Switzerland need to reduce our congress and Korea can have their congress and freedom. The Korean airstrike is still not approved by the countries because we need to delay Taiwanese battles, and so we ask you to fight for Korea in their both battles against Taiwan. MPP RW

If the Korean battles goes well and South Korea get enough time to airstrike, they will approve and attack Switzerland. That's why we didn't renew our MPPs. So please, allies & friends, fight for South Korea against Switzerland! Share it with your friends to let them know that Switzerland should lose the battle. And please, fight for Korea against Taiwan, it's time to release our brothers from the opressor hands!

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