Fetaboxtrot just isn't the same: A SDP PP Manifesto

Day 903, 16:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Betafoxtrot

Hello, I’m Betafoxtrot and I am running for PP of the Social Democratic Party!

An Introduction

When I joined SDP it was because I fancied a new challenge party wise. It is true I went to a few parties but couldn’t feel comfortable. I started out in the RFA where I was for many months while serving in the navy, eventually, I started to get into the political side and became the RFA VPP. I left not long after to hover for a bit and to concentrate on the military. I then joined UKRP to attempt of boosting my political experience, I didn’t feel this was the right party for me in the far-right of the spectrum and went back to RFA, it turned to Spectrum and I left.

I have been unsettled by seeing congress members in the navy and their experiences, as well as my very awesome and politically talented friend Mr. Woldy who really made me think properly about looking into politics. During my time in the navy and the recent army, the person I looked up to most was R. R. Napier who in his time was MoD, a very contested place in the cabinet, and was Admiral of the Fleet twice while I was a captain. Dishmcds is also awesome and got me a BH medal! I joined SDP mid may while it was clearly in development, melophore had brought it up into the top 5 and I could clearly see it could use my help. I started with trying to manage the forums, then started on the SSTU which I over-see.


valid.gif"> Major General in the British Army
valid.gif"> Under Minister for MoHA for Entertainment x2
valid.gif"> SDP Cabinet Supervisor
valid.gif"> SDP Military Advisor and Election Aid
valid.gif"> ex-Commodore in the eUK navy
valid.gif"> ex-RFA VPP
valid.gif"> ex-uMoW for civi-guns
valid.gif"> ex-Apprentice in MoHA for education, new players, off-site advertising, in-game advertising, migration, media x2, wiki
valid.gif"> ex-Ambassador to eMalaysia and eSingapore



Apart from a bit of a spring clean, I don’t have much of problem. A few minor issues like capital letters and a few sub-forums I and herefordunited123 forgot to include. A few more people will be given mods so that they are able to keep the forums looking tidy so that new comers are able to find their way around with ease.

In Game

I have a few ideas for this, but I accept that I will be no match for melophore and his recruiting. (I ideally wanted him in my team for that exact reason). I will have a push in advertising for the SDP whether that’s in in-game ads or newspaper articles for recruitment. For current members, forum activity is on low side, and we need more members/congressman active on IRC if they want to stand a chance at getting elected. As anybody in the army channel or anyone who knows me well can tell you I believe heavily in using IRC. I’d like to use the army and SAS as an example here, at strategic times during a battle, as many members of the army/SAS will meet up on IRC to all fight at the same time, thus making alot of damage relatively quickly. However, going this far is too much for a party, it reinforces the fact IRC is a reliable source, where you can talk to the PP or get to know other members.
On the little more technical side, I’d like to propose a few things when I’m elected. I know it has just been changed but a new logo possibly new avatars that can be personalised, to increase the unity amongst our party. This new logo has the possibility of taking new members who could join other parties e.g. BEP (who used to get a lot of newbie members) when they join the game. The second is other party relations. A big part of this will be with INGSOC, The Socialist Party and possibly more smaller ones. This has the possibility that eventually we may get a merger with a few parties as with us being in the top 5 we can offer congress places in return for greater numbers. This does not mean they will get priority over anyone who has been SDP since it was formed, anyone who wants to be in congress will need to prove they are active on the forums and IRC. The last thing I propose is for the SSTU. This is the brainchild of evanvsyou as an alternative to the military. However, I would not like this to be the case, I would direct people to the army first, but some people in congress or who just don’t want to join the army can be a part of the SDP community. On winning I will release my cabinet on the SDP forums.


Some would say this is insignificant to anything but a small team of people working on the SDP wiki, as it is possible to gain a few members from people browsing the wiki. An additional thing to add to it is a SDP guide for new players.

Within the party

An idea I have thought about, which I have wanted implemented in the RFA and mentioned in UKRP, which with some help could spread to other parties, is a reward system just like medals in the military which show to others that this person works hard, and gets the job done. The details haven’t been ironed out yet so if I am elected, don’t expect this right away.
Another thing is articles. As well as appointing someone to make these, I will encourage SDP members to write articles for the SDP to publish in its paper. They can message me with the content and we can publish it, the person will get full credit and if they have one, a link to their own newspaper as an incentive for them to get more subs. Also, any body who publishes anything good about the SDP will get a mention in our paper.


I’m happy for anyone to have a go at congress, as I have said, so long as they are IRC and forum active and accept they may not be able to run where they want to. This will be done early so we can get an idea of who is running where. Another stipulation will have to have a manifesto written out on the forums before the congress elections, anyone selected to run that fails this will not run at all.

A Summary, goals and the tl;dr version

valid.gif"> I am an optimist and I think 200+ members by the end of my term is reasonable, and an easy goal.

valid.gif"> We had 2 congress members last term, I would like to see 4-5 this month.

valid.gif"> More educational, helpful articles written by myself and other SDP members.

valid.gif"> A tidier SDP forum.

valid.gif"> A higher quality of SDP articles.

valid.gif"> Some unity, as I have said, with other parties as we are the all the same in principle.

valid.gif"> And support for new and upcoming congress men and future ministers to help them get further, and
get to where they want to be.

valid.gif"> An acceptable overhaul of SDP’s logo and possible new avatars.

http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/4337/sdp2.jpg" />

Thanks for reading!
Vote Betafoxtrot for PP on the 15th!