Feb 2012 - TUP congress election candidate

Day 1,555, 17:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Snugz

Hi, I'm RBSNA. My name is Snuggles and I am top of the official Unity Party (TUP) list in the North West of England, I hope you can support RBSNA with your vote!

"Snuggles is a bro" Bob Boblo, 2012

* Snuggles is English, active on the eUK forums, and very much pro the ONE alliance that the eUK is a part of. We're only here today thanks to our allies in Poland, Serbia and the rest, and we'd be idiots to give that up. Through unity, strength.

* Snuggles will be YOUR MP. I will try and report here as much as I can go public with. I won't be approving alien citizenships, stealing from our treasury or making stupid laws; apart from pocketing the medal I want to see some of our citizens programmes reopened through Parliament, I benefited from these and new citizens should continue to. Transparency is the technology of lasting power.

* The Unity Party deserves your vote. The other parties have let you down. Squabbling, Dioism, leaking to our enemies, ragequitting as ministers - despite the bleak last few months it is still the Unity Party who are on your side. We are so close to breaking back into self-sufficiency, don't let another party ruin that for all of us. Please back your fellow official Unity candidates at this election, Sven Goran Duran-Duran and Niemand.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote Unity!


right all the best, got some more canucks to kill 😉