eZen and the eArt of eMotorcycle eMaintenance

Day 3,364, 10:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

First off this is not about Zen or motorcycles(but might be depending on your point of view) I just borrowed some parts of that book. Anyway I published this article it shows nowhere. For me to have readers will cost me 450 cc.

So for all people that have not completed the 25 comments missions(I completed it first here) I see a very expensive painful experience.

There is masses and masses of old articles lie'ing in front of this new article.

There is no go to back button so this new update is already massive crap.


lets start with a technical discussion of the media module.

The media module is not written by plato its a plug in. I have a website store somewhere and it uses the same plug in. Its a basic wysiwyg editor. Meaning you cannot add to its function with code.

(wysiwyg - what you see is what you get)

the media module a successful part of erepublik was not created by Plato. hence its limitations for erepublik.


that is why plato cant help you with csfr attacks he never created the editor he just plugged it in his game.

Is the new media module a winner.

me thinks no.

i blame that Golden endorsement crap. Both me and No carrier surpassed 1000 articles. Me first although he has more than me now. None of us received an golden endorsement on our 1000th article. 🙁

quality should not be the golden measure - In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Pirsig explores the meaning and concept of quality, a term he deems to be undefinable. Pirsig's thesis is that to truly experience quality one must both embrace and apply it as best fits the requirements of the situation. According to Pirsig, such an approach would avoid a great deal of frustration and dissatisfaction common to modern life.

In the old system an article that got a lot of votes and was relevant to the present eLife of an eCitizen would be higher up in the list.

I was surprised to see the article by Don Croata . At the time it was published it was well liked . I am certain there is not much to find fault with it.

It was written when India and Lihuania was about to airstrike us. The AS has come and gone. Most people expressed their opinion about the content of the article. So at the time it was written it was 1. relevant. 2 .popular 3. a discussion piece. 4 . subjectively i would say it was a quality article.

but item 1 is now missing most of the events it describes in the future is now in the past.

although popular because its no longer 100% relevant i could just as well if I wanted to read it go back on the newspaper of Don and read it there.

problem is weak comment section- if you explore it we have an old to new comment section and after the first page the program can no longer find your comment.

this make discussion articles mostly cumbersome and difficult to take in .

its a simple system with obvious flaws.

Quality is subjective and based on the characteristics of the reader.

We dont share a singular sense of humor. We laugh at different jokes. For some some stuff is silly for other genius.

Hence how can a computer algorithm define :quality is what I ask our dear beloved Plato. How the vark do you code that?

I can buy votes and I can buy article comments as well.

But to contribute is what we want in our communities. I dont care about quality and I dont expect quality.

So please share your algorithm. It would be interesting to figure out how one can write quality articles without actually writing quality articles.