Explanation + give away

Day 3,272, 16:38 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by N.oName

Hi dear cypriots o/

This article will be kinda different than my usual ones, it’ll be short and without that much images.

First i want to explain you what happened for elections.
I first decided not to run again, because i had other projects and also because i didn’t wanted to look like a power addict.

I’ve no problem with Georgelakeland candidacy, and i first supported him to run.
Then George told me his opinion about Kyprios and UCP, which i disagreed with, i told him and said that he’d find a new party to run for presidency.

Maybe you don’t know, but only way to delete a support from a Party is to propose someone else, as i don't wanted to put someone without his willing, i decided to run for the third time.

You know the speech, main points are diplomacy (Adriatica has to evolve and i’ll work in it), and maybe military action. I’ve been writting a lil text to bring migrants to Cyprus, i need to correct it, add it caps, but we could spread it to have some new fuckmates, and maybe also post messages on videogames related forums of rl Cyprus.

I do not worry that much about being elected or not, 3 month as the head of country is long and if Lakeland is CP, i’ll be happy for him to get this medal. Also if he needs help i’ve no problem with it.

Now, i want to talk about trolls in eCyprus.
I’ve always been amused by trolls, and i think it’s a play style, like you can have RP players or whatever. I respect that and i usually don’t care about people trolling me, that’s only a game after all, but i think i’d clarify some points :
I’m not acting as puppet of anyone here, if i wanted power i would have been in UCP since 2 years, being in congress each month, but i always stayed in my first party, PBP, even if we had not enough places.
I didn’t knew Mithrantir before coming here, and no, he is not sending me 1200 gold per day.
If we lost the war in Kosovo, it’s not my fault, it’s only because i’m still waiting pipo lolo’s video 🙁((.

Now that the we ended with the sirius part, let’s talk about important things like moneyyy.
I’ve recently ranked up to titan, and i also celebrated my e-birthday, 2 days ago.

So i decided to organize a weapon give-away.
Just drop a number between 1 and 100 in comments, and the one finding the good number (chosen at random), or the closest, will win 50 Q7 weapons. Also every contester will receive 5 Q6 weapons (i need to empty my storage amk).

2nd important thing, the caps :
