Exclusive interview with Mercurius100

Day 2,249, 02:11 Published in Indonesia Thailand by Mr.Bun

Salam sejahtera untuk semua warga eIndonesia
Artikel ini akan mengemukakan hasil interview gw dengan mercurius100,
Siapa itu mercurius100?dia adalah orang yang akan menerbitkan koran yang berisi tentang politik, ekonomi,militer dan semua yang terjadi dalam negara.. Biasa? Belum berhenti gan,, sabar 😁 , HEBATNYA.. dia akan mengumpulkannya dari seluruh jurnalis di tiap negara.. dan akan merangkumnya didalam sebuah koran yang akan diluncurkan tiap minggu..WOW
ARTINYA Cukup berlangganan korannya.. maka kita akan mengetahui keseluruhan berita eDUNIA

Kebetulan gw diajak doi untuk bergabung ke dalam timnya.. ini ada printscreenya biar ga dibilang hoax

Udah yakin yah ga hoax?? Okeh.. sekarang kita lanjut ke interview si doi

Mr Bun : where are you from?
Mercurius100 : I'm American in real life.

Mr Bun : who else from eIndonesia that you invite to your team?
I'm only partnering with one reporter per country right now. If successful I may look to make the project bigger, but it's already a pretty big team and it gets complicated to manage. Though reporters are free to hire their own reporters to help out with their country's news.

Mr.Bun : you play this game for so long time.. do you have any goal that you have
achieved and what goal do you want to achieve now?
Mercurius100 : I've never done anything in the media module before. I've done politics, military, and business for a long time. Media is a new challenge for me to see what is possible to achieve. Challenges like that appeal to me. Plus the media is so often overlooked in eRep nowadays. News and debate are important parts of this game, and the game is better with more articles being written.

Mr.Bun : thanks for inviting me to join your international reporter team,
by the way, to gather all the information of the eWorld is not an easy
task.. Are you planning to rule the eWorld or something?
Mercurius100 : International news is hard to keep track of. National news is right on the front page for everybody to read. You would have to read a lot of articles in many different languages to get up to date information on what is going on in other countries. People have tried projects to report international news in the past and they have been some of my favorite newspapers to read. I love being able to get that kind of information nicely summarized and all in one place. But those newspapers never seem to last, so I hope to make one that can be successful and provides the type of international news that other players will enjoy reading.

Mr.Bun : one last question.. do you mind if this convertation published in my newspaper For my domestic writing competition ?
Mercurius : Feel free to publish. If you do definitely send me the link right away so I can get it votes. 🙂

Intinya sekarang gw masuk tim doi sebagai nara sumber
untuk yang khawatir ada rahasia dalam negri yg gw publish.. tenang, gw bakal minta di cek dulu

Ini magz nya.. edisi pertama kebetulan baru saja diluncurkan hari ini..
VCS for better improvment
Making A Better World

Xxx : Gan ente kyknya bakal menang lomba wawancara ekslusif deh..
Mr.Bun : Kok bisa ngomong gitu gan??
Xxx : Soalnya ga ada lagi tuh yang ikutan..
Mr.Bun : ....................................

"Hope never abandon you.. you abandon it" -George weinberg

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