Everything Has Changed - The Elite PM!

Day 2,665, 11:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

The secret elite PM? The fight over dictatorship? Huey? A lot has gone on over the past few days, and it may be hard to keep up with all of the details. Most importantly Wayne has become the dictator of the eUK! This has caused some controversy and there are rumours that we will see a fight for democracy in the next few days which, if successful, would lead to another dictatorship within a few days. This article will give you all of the facts, as the public deserves to know!

Huey... and Wayne...
Huey became CP on the 6th while the country was still under dictatorship. Adastros (who received dictatorship from Adastros) passed the title onto Wayne, while it was believed that Huey would receive dictatorship instead. Originally it was thought that this was due to certain eUK citizens disagreeing with Huey's cabinet, but Wayne has recently confirmed this is not the case. Huey and Wayne have apparently been in talks but Wayne appears to be in control for now.

The Elite PM?
Confirmed yesterday in various articles, there is a PM involving various high figures in the eUK (including myself, obviously). The whole list has not yet been revealed but I shall give it to you now.

Mr Woldy
Huey George
Max Blue
Mr Knee
Hugo Lilly
Paul Tyndale
Paulus G
Ser Fartsalot
Garth Lidlington M.D.
Prof. J Moriarty
Evil Doctor
Madeline de Melrose
Luke Braferd
Rob the Bruce
Zaphod the Kinky Psychopath
Mad Pauly

You may recognise many of the names on the list, they are meant to be the greatest eUK citizens on Wayne's friends list. Feel left out? Tough. But if you want to contribute anything to the message after reading my article feel free to comment below, and anything that looks interesting will be passed on. I'm sure many people on the list will read the comments below anyway. We discuss eUK issues, so you should have a voice too.

This is one of the main topics discussed in the PM so far. I am not sure what should be released to the public, but I don't really care. Mainly dominated by FightAndProduce there has been a lot of talk about immigration into the eUK, who was should let in, and why. There has not been major immigration control for a while, but with a dictatorship we can now have greater control. We have looked at reasons for allowing people to enter and at the moment they seem to focus on three main points; military, economy, political. The eUK with full bonuses is now in a stronger position, we can attract big economy players who want to get richer. We are in a good military position for wars. Both of these will also bring political players to the country. We have to be careful who is entering which is why the discussion is ongoing, but I can confirm there is a spreadsheet!

Other Matters and "Democracy Threat"
There have been several other topics mentioned including increasing activity through competitions and articles, and military advancements. It will all hopefully be revealed over the next few days and weeks. If there is anything you want to be passed on, please comment. I encourage everyone to comment about their ideas for the eUK. Together we can make the country strong!

And in other news, there is a "democracy threat" to the eUK. I'm guessing half of the people reading will see it as a threat while the other half will jump with joy. BigAnt released an article stating his desire to free the eUK from Wayne's dictatorship, using the millions BigAnt stole from the eUK a year ago. He has since taken down the article but Lord London has released one stating how he wants democracy too. While taking on Dental Corps would be a tough challenge, it totally depends on the people of the eUK (and the CO's). What is your opinion on democracy? Dictatorship?

That Sums It Up
I could have made the article longer but I didn't feel like it... There are plenty of other articles around the same subject, and I will give you more information in the next few days. The dictatorship currently seems to be getting lots of ideas flowing, and getting the eUK in hopefully a stronger position. However, is dictatorship such a good thing? Comment with your opinion and ideas to improve the eUK below.