eUK Congress - Working for YOU

Day 588, 09:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire
Hello all 🙂

Lately articles have been flooding in about the incompetence of the government, secret IRC discussions (😛), hidden chats about important things, dictatorship, lies and deceit.

People are saying the government lives behind closed doors, making incompetent and slow decisions that will benefit no one but themselves.

Others are even wondering if the government even does anything, rather, they just sit there with their five GOLD winnings and raise the occasional in-game vote to look like they have done something.

I am an MP, so why am I writing this? Why am I bringing all these accusations into one place to be seen by all? I am writing this article to tell those people who think we are incompetent, that they are wrong

Do not get me wrong, here in the House Of Commons (Congress or HoC) we want to hear what the people think about this, we want to improve ourselves so we can better improve the eUK. However, you should know that we are working to our full capabilities, for you. Each and every one of you is important to the HoC which is why we are working day-in, day-out trying to find the best solutions to the eUK's problems and the best upgrades to the fantastic features the eUK already has.

For example, since I have got into Congress, I have begun plans to rebuild my native region, I have voted in all proposals, both in-game and on the forums, I have spoken to my constituents, I have debated in the HoC along with many of my fellow Congressmen and women, who I must add, are amazing to work with and I am truly glad to have met them.

I can't say that you can see the amount of effort I have put into my job, but I truly hope that you see I have worked hard in this job. And many of my fellow MPs have worked just as tirelessly if not moreso, than I myself have.

But what about all the closed dicussions behind closed doors? Don't we have a right to see them?

Of course you deserve to see debates that us MPs have. Most can be found in the HoC forum, for all to see on the eUK forums. Other, older debates may be found in the Archived Debates forums, also in the eUK forums
However, debates that are hugely important, are visible only to congressmen. Not simply so we can see and so you can't. Not to be dictators. Not even so that no one can see how active we really are.
But they are hidden because they need to be kept secret. Some of these issues, if leaked, could pose a huge risk to national security. One day these debates may be released to the public, and be sent to the Archived Debates forum, but at the moment it is too risky to send them into the public's eyes
In the meantime, please, trust us

And if you have any concerns, PM your local congressman, or any congressman for that matter, and ask about issues concerning you

But everyone says the government is incompetent?

Not so, with four ex-Presidents and many other experienced, youthful and/or intelligent citizens your congress is far from incompetent. I can assure you, the government works incredibly hard and all members are incredibly talented at what they do.
This also includes all members of the ministries, who are not congressmen/women. They have all been chosen, and for a good reason

Even if the government are working for us, they are working incredibly slowly

We want to do things well. Decisions are made slowly so that they are the best possible decisions for the British public. Decisions are slow for you, and we even have it done slower so that the citizens can have their say. In Public Discussion on the eUK forums, members of the public can express their views and their views will and are taken into consideration. Everyone has a voice in the eUK Government, so please use it.

I only see a few votes taking place during a term, what could you possibly be doing?

In the HoC, we discuss in-game votes before they take place. We also often vote on legislation, and other worthwhile things that keep the citizen's best interests at heart.


In conclusion, the government works for you and with you. Everything we do is for you, and not for ourselves, we all put the nation's interests before our own and we really do hope you come to see that. Oh! And for even more of a voice join the eUK forums today 😃

If you have any questions, please PM me 🙂
I'm here to help you

Warmest regards,