eThailand Economic Plan

Day 2,664, 07:24 Published in Thailand Norway by Major Lee Hung

Dear comrades,

It is time to build a strong economy befitting of a strong country! We must grow our economy to fund significant military operations in the future, and boost the defence of our country.


The plan involves growing our monthly tax revenues over the next 3 months as per the below.

This will leave us with a significant surplus each month, giving us the financial strength to fight larger enemies.

How This Will Be Achieved


High-paying jobs to recruit foreign workers will be created, boosting income tax revenues. I aim to create up to 40 of these which will also benefit our MUs, more details to follow.

Average Wage

A push in the average wage will bring it closer to 40cc per day, creating a major boost in tax revenue. This will eventually account for a 30% boost in daily tax revenues alone.

Market Activity

-Tank production will grow over the next couple of weeks. Next month these tanks will begin to make it on to our market, creating huge VAT revenues.
-I will continue to buy up all WRM. I'll also buy each week random quality of weapons and food off our market to circulate more cc.

Such growth will see us in a position to conduct further operations by summer, as the worlds' economies begin to feed our own.