eRussia + eSerbia song lyrics

Day 796, 22:38 Published in Serbia Russia by Lonsdale86
Hello, brothers. That is promised lyrics translate for
that song

25-17 (RUS) feat Beogradsky Sindicate (SR😎 feat Grot (RUS) feat D-Man 55 (RUS)

Today, even the children know
That politics is the struggle for resources
Market quotations, bombings
Democracy will come after preparatory bombardment
Heady taste of freedom, gay parades
Twinks are married in churches. What? You regret it? Ah?
This is love. No! All of people are brothers. No!
Global equality. Ludicrous!
Faith! My family! My Motherland.
Even if troubles has no count
While know, remember, We`ll resist.
Who believes in god is invincible

I don`t trust anybody expect who next to me!
With me, behind my back!
And we don`t need what belongs to others, but we prepare to fight for our own!
I don`t trust anybody expect who next to me!
With me, behind my back!
And we don`t need what belongs to others, but we prepare to fight for our own!

Светски мир је само мит, прича с избора за мис
Нема правде за убоге, нисмо једнаки сви
Докле мак је на пољима, испод фосилан горива
За симболима долара-моћи глад неутољива
Стероидима, дрогама стварност спора је, досадна
Па за пластичним сновима јуре најбржим колима
Глувим ушима одзвања бас надркаван ноћима
Ритам армије зомбија. Расту тикве без корена
Шта то беше Реч божија? Шта то норма је морална?
Етар препун је Борџија, масе мета су тровања
Страх, маркетинг, обмана где је циљ само продаја
Па је настраност модерна у свим могућим формама
Ми у другим смо водама па смо стално у борбама
Са хордама. Од вајкада задатак је одбрана
Наших мозгова, домова, идеала и гробова
Нема мржње ко окова. Свако јутро је победа!
Не мрзим никог, не верујем сваком
Нисам ко пацов у трци за златом
Обавијен маглом, лажном људском правдом
Само затворим очи и видим светлост јасно

Your death is near. It has the last move
You can only choose how it will happen
In compassionate squeals, under enemy`s foot in tears
Sitting still and guardedly elsewhere until old age
In wild trance under solid and liquid drugs
Decay alive with positive and smile!
Or you can do for Slavic legends comes true
With might and main and with white wings!

There will be flame in the sky, look carefully!
And you`ll se traitors will burn one night!
It`s nearly… listen? His name is The Most High!
And soon he`ll come to punish and dispose of those who not wanted.
It`s not listen for your beseeching exclamation almost.
And deserved punishment hands will touch from cosmos.
Through hot and cold! We are together completely!
That who was honest and candid will survive, after all.

I have what to lose and I have trends.
I have what to care of and I have what to submit
Relatives faces, deep in my heart!
And so I prepare to fight not for ambitions
All of reserved will goes for children
I not advise to attempt on it.
Life gives that and that is saint
Another is dust. Yes! And money are splashes
My nation, my family, my kin
Due to continue until the ages end
That is my mission and my idea
And so I can to get free of my fetters
The time is a ocean without shores!
Somebody is shark. Somebody is catch yet.
You are with me, I am with you. And I prepare!
And if we are here – that is God`s will.

There are questions without compromises. Test…
Part of man`s life who decided to be the human
Though that fallen century.
Don`t drop eyes! Don`t lose heart !
Not everyone can be himself.
You are in epicenter, closed circle
Nowhere to run away from yourself!
Sleep, wait, drink, gorge
War in you. War in me. War outside
In my head, in my country
And I able to anything if I`ll be with Him
Who believes in god is invincible… Invincible!

I don`t trust anybody expect who next to me!
With me, behind my back!
And we don`t need what belongs to others, but we prepare to fight for our own!
I don`t trust anybody expect who next to me!
With me, behind my back!
And we don`t need what belongs to others, but we prepare to fight for our own!

Are you with me? I am with you! Fight! All together! Fight!
Are you with me? I am with you! Fight! Fight!
Are you with me? I am with you! Fight! Fight!
Are you with me? I am with you! Fight! Fight!