eRepublik Councils

Day 591, 05:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Hello all 🙂

Have you ever wanted to get your name into politics? To win those local congress elections but the candidate ahead always seems to have that bit more of political experience?

So how do you counter that? How do you get political experience when you can never get into Congress?

The answer is simple: work in your local e-council.

The Councils in eRepublik are amazing ways to increase your political experience, make friends, help your region and they are by far the best way to get your name known in your region and further abroad.

Councils consist of the following:

-A Speaker or Chairperson who manages debates, leads the council and makes the ultimate decision if a tie in the voting occur

-A Councillor for Entertainment provides entertainment for the region, organises competitions and keeps the region informed of important events

-Some councils even have a Councillor for the Armed Forces who is the liasion between the region and the armed forces, in turn, creating opportunities for the Armed Forces in their region

-A Councillor for Health makes sure the region's citizens have a high standard of health by writing articles about maintaining wellness, fighting smart and if possible they are to gift the region's inhabitants

-A Councillor for Finance organises the budget and seeks out sources of income for the council

-A Councillor of Transport who organises events to attract people to the region and can organise money for someone to buy a moving ticket to the region

Working in any one of those above mentioned jobs will get you all the experience you need to run a successful campaign, to give you a feeling of satisfaction in helping your e-community and will undoubtedly make you new friends.

I, myself, am advertising for the Northern Ireland Senate. So please, if anyone is interested in helping out N.I. please sign onto this threa😛

The Northern Ireland Senate is one of the most influential and famous local governments in all the eUK and is a sure way of increasing your friend's list and fame.

N.I. is always looking for more willing faces to join its ranks and I hope very much I will see you there one day 🙂

So sign up today, and wish those election woes away!
And if you won your election... Sign up anyway 😃

Thanks 😃