ePL: Hungary, Romania, EDEN Summit [ENG]

Day 1,145, 10:38 Published in Poland Poland by Rzecznik Rzadu
This is a Google translation with some enhancements, so plz be understanding. Original article: here.

Dear ePoles,

Recently a lot has happened, and successive authors of numerous texts are trying to bend the truth to their own version, so I have to give an official statement, and hopefully not a wall of text(very funny, smrtan), but as short as the article about what's going on needs to be.

As you well know, the president of Hungary proposed a MPP with Poland. MPP has been enthusiastically accepted by the congresses of both countries. I must admit that I supported it as well, and voted in favor(before I could react to the proposal and vote, already six congressmen have voted, let this indicate how this proposal was desired). Of course, MPP was immediately contested by the Romanians and some Croats. EDEN also gave us response, and let's just say it was not very enthusiastic.

Romanians, who have already had a grudge about the rejection of their MPP, now begun intense lobbying in the anti-Polish Alliance. During the attack on Poland in the last summit, I'll write more on this topic later.
It bothers me very much that nobody was fit to note that Hungary ... is no longer a member of the Phoenix. They are free, neutral state, with which we've been improving relations since 3 last months. Hungary is not in war with any of the Polish allies(Hungary is even ready to sign peace with Romania, they are tired of the tedious war, which continued for centuries.) It's much easier to cultivate a normal trolling or call Polish Congress a bunch of trolls, say that the country is under a PTO and name president...one of the leading tanks Phoenix(sic).

EDEN Summit

Yesterday an EDEN's summit was held. As could be expected - currently ex-Supreme Commander(the one who willingly insulted Poland and the Poles), Bogdan_L, resigned. In his place was chosen avec, whose first move was to ... mute the channel and reprimend ePL for the lack of understanding with Romania and signing the MPP with Hungary. Avec clearly demanded us to become an ally of Romania. This order has an expriation date and it's 24 hours. Later the company consisting mainly of, Romanians and (unfortunately)Croatians, started anti-Polish trolling, which was about attributing to us the most retarted plans such as...attack on the U.S. It gets even better: Bogdan_L asked me to brainwash ePL society with PL-RO propaganda. I announced that yes, I can propose a MPP with Romania, but I guarantee that it won't make its way through our Congress.

I Will Propose this
but be sure it will be rejected once more

Noteworthy, the official newsletter EDEN says that the Polish president and the government(!? How the government can agree on anything if they weren't present on the summit?) agreed to unconditionally sign an MPP with Romania and even fight against the Hungarians. It is most interesting, especially in the context:

I do not believe many people from polish population would like to defend Romania - even if I'll put order with 5 stars

Dear friends from HQ EDEN. I'm very sorry, but if you think that you can manipulate public opinion, then you are mistaken. Not only that, thanks to your brilliant fait accompli policy you discouraged us even more - from cooperation with Romania, which is responsible for this whole circus - but also from EDEN istelf.

No, Poland will not listen to the dictates of the person who once left his old stool, but now came back - for like a minute. Nobody is going to tell Polish Congress how to vote and make Polish Presiden write articles against his own will and beliefs. Despite everything - I'll propose to the Congress an internal vote on a potential MPP with Romania. Then I'll be the first one to speak in this matter. In accordance with my own conscience.

Post Scriptum

"What are you going to do with avec's blackmail?" - This question got to me even before the summit ended. I replied that I won't allow anyone to profit from blackmailing me, then I was waiting for the disapproving answer. Imagine my surprise when the reaction was something like "good job". Then I looked at the nick. My interlocutor was a member of the Government of the country which, let's put it nicely, doesn't belong to the Alliance of EDEN.

By the by, Dear EDEN. Maybe instead of harassing your own members and trying to cause some pressure through manipulation, you'd investigate the matter regarding some leaks from the most secret channels? Just a thought, from a sincerely concerned state president - a member of the alliance ...

Translated by Sztandarowy,
member of RR Rescue Team
(aka Polish Spokesmen Team)

PS. I can see in comments that some of you really think that this article was translated via Google - please read the whole article before you decide to post a comment. Thanks.


Drodzy Obywatele eRzeczypospolitej Polskiej,

witam wszystkich w pierwszym wydaniu gazety Rzecznika Rządu pisanej nowym piórem. Dzisiejsze wydanie zostanie poświęcone przedstawieniu składu gabinetu na miesiąc luty 2011 oraz planom Prezydenta Cerbera i Rządu w obiecywanej kwestii przyrostu naszej populacji. Skoro już o Rządzie mowa, w najbliższym miesiąc jego skład przedstawiać będzie się następująco:

Doradcy prezydenta:
- smrtan
- Manedhel

MSZ - vingaer
- Martinoz
- Pierre Dzoncy
vMSZ d/s ambasad - Karamon
stażysta: - emachel

MON: Staruszek,
- Soldier from Poland
- tomekfaszcz
- wapGO
- Drizz Do Urden 2010
- ka_ga
stażyści: - Mr.Dibi

MGiF - Pniewiak
MGiF senior - inż. zucha
vMGiF - Guardianer

MEN - Aniol Zagłady
MEN senior - Basowy
- Griwes
- Hetman Nadworny

Rzecznik rządu: smrtan

Plany przyrostu populacji ePolski,

przez niektórych zwane pieszczotliwie Baby Boomem. Zgodnie z obietnicą z kampanii wyborczej, prezydent Cerber postanowił bezzwłocznie wdrożyć swój pomysł dotyczący propagowania i rozreklamowania gry. Jako target wybrano tym razem miejsce poza internetem, innymi słowy, jak to zgrabnie ujęliby marketingowcy, idziemy w kanał offline. W porozumieniu z Buzzym, który swego czasu przeprowadził zbiórkę funduszy na rozreklamowanie gry, wydrukowana zostanie partia 2000 "Vlepek" zachęcających do odwiedzenia eRepublik. Jednocześnie opracowana zostanie lista 16-tu największych miast w Polsce oraz wybrane zostaną osoby, które zostaną obarczone odpowiedzialnością dystrybucji Vlepek. Chętni do pomocy zostaną poinformowani kiedy i w jaki sposób będą mogli odebrać Vlepki. Później.... później pozostaje już tylko działanie i oczekiwanie na efekty. Vlepki, początkowo znane jako narzędzie do propagowania głównie przez fanów swoich własnych klubów piłkarskich, od jakiegoś czasu są wykorzystywane także w prawdziwym marketingu - głównie do promocji świadomości marek a także zachęcania do odwiedzenia konkretnego adresu www. Idąc tym tropem, także polska społeczność eRepublik podejmie się tego typu działania, wierząc głęboko, że akcja ta przysporzy nam wielu nowych obywateli.

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Rzecznik Rządu