eIsrael's Envoys' and Ambassadors' list

Day 879, 14:18 Published in Israel Israel by baglamas
Envoy to Sol: Perfect.Knight (GGRyan and Bazoomim are his advisors)
Envoy to Brolliance: Perfect.Knight
Envoy to Phoenix: GGRyan

South Africa: Maelyn
Australia: Gavin Wax
Germany: Daniel HaChawer
Iceland community: Daniel HaChawer
Spain: Gavin Wax
Pakistan: Tarquinus Superbus
Polan😛 Polish Sausage
Turkey: GGRyan
India: Jewyoyo
Greece: Xenophanes
USA: Joshua Hoss
Brazil: 70mD II
Latvia: 70mD II

All ambassadors should visit the secret forum and read the "How things work" topic. You'll know what to do after you read.

Whoever wants to be an ambassador should contact Elianna Zamir