eCanadian Politics Have Gone To The Dogs.

Day 1,616, 12:15 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

When you think politics, whether it be virtual or IRL, the last thing you think of is honesty or honor. It's common knowledge that many Politicians promise so much, but few seldom come through with what they said they would do. They're corrupt and in it for selfish purposes.

While current eCanadian politics closely fits this description, it wasn't always like this. There was a time where the politicians were honest and working to better this country. There was a time when corruption was never tolerated. It's about time we return to our former glory.

We can't just blame the politicians for this mess. The citizens of this nation who chose to vote carelessly are equally to blame. They choose to accept the bribes. They choose who to vote for. They choose our future. It is just as much their fault as it is the crooked politicians. In my opinion, these people have no right to complain. They are both the reasons why our country is stuck in this political depression.

In order to reverse this curse, a few things need to happen.

1) People need to stop accepting Gold or Tanks for their votes. Accepting these bribes keeps these corrupt politicians in power, and does a very great disservice to our nation. If they don't stop, they lose. We all lose.

2) There needs to be more competent, qualified, honest and intelligent citizens becoming politically involved. I'm not saying that there aren't any now, I'm simply saying that we need more fresh faces who know what they're doing to help pull us out of this rut we find ourselves in. With more people who we can trust in the political scene, we have a better chance of pulling through.

3) People need to let go of their grudge against Rolo. I won't comment on what he did or didn't do, but clearly this mob mentality citizens have against him is not helping us get anywhere. We as a country need to move forward, and obsessing on the past is getting us nowhere.

In my opinion, These things need to be addressed in order for eCanada to move forward and return to its former glory. Quite frankly I'm tired of belonging to a nation that the world no longer takes seriously. I'm tired of this never ending corruption we have in our political system, and I know I'm not alone in feeling this.

Following what I've mentioned in point #2, I plan on bringing some honesty, intelligence, and competence into our political atmosphere by running for congress in May. I was going to run in April, however, many things happened IRL this week, and I just didn't have enough time to do it. Next month I plan on trying to reverse this corruption, and I hope that many others follow suit. I'm not going to run on an anti Rolo campaign, nor an anti Norsefire campaign, because hate speech and witch hunts get us nowhere. I plan on running on a transparent campaign to better serve eCanada.

I would like to end this article with a quote from my best friend. He's wise beyond his years, and although it has nothing to do with eRepublik, I think it fits this topic perfectly.

"Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better. It always seems as though something better is obtainable. But despite it being within arms reach, it's merely an illusion, just a fallacy created by the mind to inspire a positive attitude, and a reason to try. But here in lies another dilemma where by if we continue to reach for something better, we just obtain the worst, and if we just give up and give in, how can we ever hope to obtain anything better despite it being an illusion? Like a rabbit on a treadmill with a carrot poised in front of him just beyond reach, we are forever obsessed with getting that carrot. But if we simply step back and study the situation, would it not simply be easier to step off the treadmill??? For you see it's only when we can see and understand the bigger picture that we can ever hope to obtain the better."

Thanks for reading.