Don't panic...

Day 1,962, 02:01 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Send love to Plato

This was meant to be a recruitment article about the independent Alliance, but i thought i would derail it a little to discuss the latest events in the eUK. Remember this isn't the first time we have faced a wipe from the map...or have been wiped. Things look bleak at the moment but keep your cool and don't be reckless as we will come back from this as we have powerful allies and then we will bring forth mighty temporary vengeance upon our river dancing neighbours across the sea.

So, keep an eye on the eUK's battles and look for up to date shouts from the community, also focus on the battle we have a better chance of winning. Don't get disheartened and lets stick together in this fight and not help the Argies and Paddy's by in fighting with each other. NOW FIGHT FOR YOUR eCOUNTRY!

So, you are interested in running for the party presidential elections on behalf of the Independent Alliance? Congratulations and I wish you the best of luck, but lets take an in-depth look into what you can expect -

Obviously you will face the vote of the membership on the 15th of each month, and if you are successful then your month long term can begin. You have a few days of peaceful negotiations by contacting all the top 5 parties to gather all the kind offers that they may put our way, which you then must put in an unbiased way to the party membership whilst setting up a ballot so they can decide the path the party is treading....but oh boy your work is far from done my friend.

Whilst that is going on you need to contact the membership with regards as to who is interested in running for Congress. Again once you have done that you need to arrange another ballot so our fellow members can decide the order of preference for our candidates...democracy never was so pure...Once the party has voted on who we are running with and which members are favoured for Congress then you must organise the chosen member(s) to join the relevant party for the Congress elections.

Once the Congress elections is over you can take a short break before again balloting the membership on who the party backs for the eUK Presidential elections. At the same time we hold our monthly party conference and as president of the Independent Alliance it is up to you to host the event. Of course the agenda is mainly set with a review of our constitution, election of forum moderators, election of party officers (our members really have a powerful voice in the I.A), discussion on the CP race etc etc.

When the Conference ends then the ballot ends and you have to officially announce the results of our ballot and who we are backing. Of course on the day you are required to drum up support for our chosen candidate but rest assured the last week of your monthly term is a repetitively peaceful one.

The President of the Independent Alliance is a position that requires a lot of running around and compared to every other party is a watered down position. A founding member has labelled it as a Chaos organiser rather than a Party President and it pretty much hits the nail on the head. And while you may not be the all seeing all powerful PP that some parties prefer you are the head of a community where each voice is as loud as yours...which when you aren't party president is a very sobering and rewarding thought.

The Independent Alliance are proud to announce that our brilliant media fund is still well up and running. Not already have a newspaper? Saving your gold for training ground updates? Well even if you don't have any then we will fund anyone within the party so you can buy your own newspaper without using your own valuable resources. The content is completely down to you so do not feel you have to produce party material, there is literally no catch. The content is 100% completely down to you and you alone, and once you have published an article feel free to publicise it in the Alliance news feed and we will help vote it up and re-shout it.

So why wait? Contact Klurr...IT'S FREE!!!

Uh-oh here comes the recruitment bit...

So join the Independent Alliance today and play a part in the fastest growing party in the eUK. Our members elect our party officers, select our candidate preference list, decide our policies, vote on our forum moderators plus much, much more. We don't just claim to listen to our members as our actions speak louder than our words because each member is just as important and just as powerful as every other one. We pride ourselves on creating a completely open and democratic party where every member is equal, regardless of experience, regardless of rank because the Independent Alliance is a party of the people, for the people, run by the people. Unbiased, democratic and progressive.

If you are level 29 and below you are entitled to free food from the government no matter what political party or military unit you are in, you can apply here NHS APPLICATION by filling out the very simple form. The NHS scheme has no conditions and is open to all new players so please apply as every bit of help is important in your early career of eRepublik. We are proud to be an official donater to the NHS scheme and we will continue to do so even when the dust has settled on our articles we will still send our donations to this wonderful scheme...and a HUGE thank you to those that make it run as smoothly as possible. Your tireless work is appreciated.