Do not forget why we are still here (Kiitos, Suomi)

Day 1,499, 16:07 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad

By the looks of it, Sweden may experience peace again within a near future. But when that happens, if that happens, you need to remember why this peace came to be... and how we ended up in this mess in the first place.

We'll be here tomorrow because we still have some friends left who refuse to give up on us.

Finland and Sweden have always had a special relationship. Stormy at times, brotherly at times, but during the last 11 months it's been more complicated than ever.

Having fought side by side ever since it all began, we suddenly ended up in opposing alliances at the start of this year. Yet the peace between our nations was never breached, even though our bond of friendship slowly faded away and we became more like strangers to each other. People asked why the Finns were so fond of Romania and why the Swedes had chosen to support Trolland. Why couldn't we just have our own alliance instead? Our babies did not know our history, and when they learned about it, they still couldn't understand. And to be honest: who can?

In the darkest hour, we found a ray of light.

Finland decided to attack Gotaland, blocking the way for Russia to continue harassing our motherland. Yesterday they, although perhaps accidentely, blocked Romania from invading us in Gotland. Without these blocks, we would not be here tomorrow.

And all of this despite the fact that Finland's allies wanted us gone. Denmark wanted us gone. Norway wanted us gone. And yet, here we are. Why?

Because Finland's president kept his word and showed the younger Swedes and Finns what the older generations already knew; that there is more than sisu in this game, and that there is room for a bit of old-fashioned chivalry as well.

Even though we didn't deserve their help, even though they would be critized for it, even though many in the eWorld would cheer as our last region fell to the enemy.

Do not forget who you are, and who the real enemy is.

We are Swedes, but we are also Scandinavians. We may compete against each other, we may make fun of each other and sometimes love to hate each other... but we are still brothers and sisters. A bit derailed and caught up in our own respective alliances and eLives, yes, but there shall always be a special bond between us.

That is why we must not forget, nor forgive, what took place in Norway and Denmark prior to the november elections.

This is so much more than a simple game of who-conquers-what-and-when. This is a social game. Denmark and Norway have, at times, depended on the Swedes to help solve their problems. Sure, the Swedes were a bit arrogant about it, but at least they fought against cheaters and outside invaders.

But this trust that was once there has now been breached, and there's as much blood on our hands as the Serbian PTO groups.

Still I feel that hanging one man for these crimes is much too simple, and ignorant. Because in many ways, we've all played a part in this, by silently allowing it to happen. Those who knew nothing should still feel ashamed of what has happened, as these events could never have taken place if you and I and everyone else had been more active and if we, together, had decided to build a better eSweden. The PTOs in Denmark and Norway is now part of our collective heritage as eCitizens.

Today we celebrate, while our neighbors are still suffering from our previous misdeeds.

The Danes are currently discussing how to tackle their future, with all the joy and laughter removed by dirty cheaters, multis and selfish PTO:ers. These people who used to work side by side with us in a union, they now look upon us as traitors.

The Norwegians are still trying to fend of the Serbs, who do everything in their power to cling on to their stolen country. More than 800 gold stolen, and hundreds of thousands Norwegian crowns. It will take both time, action and sacrifices to mend our relations again.

So what did we really won today?

The pride of keeping ourselves from getting wiped off the map? Yes, perhaps. In the future that might be something to tell our eChildren. But we lost something much more important in the process: we lost a big portion of our dignity.

You see, from where I'm standing, it looks like eSweden keep running into the same wall whenever there's no decent minister around to take care of our foreign affairs. That is the main reason why I decided to become president last year and that is also why I have agreed to run for president next year again.

For as long as I play this game, I hereby promise that I will not allow any PTO actions to go unnoticed within this country, nor within the Scandinavian region.

I can't change the past, but with your help we can perhaps help create a brighter future for ourselves and our neighboring countries. And if we end up on opposing sides of future battles, I'd rather see Swedes lose with dignity than win by disgraceful tactics and cheats.

And if you're going to troll this article with EDEN propaganda, well, I don't blame you. For this once, I feel that I may actually deserve it.


Ashamed former president
Keeper of The Cake