Deleting of Spain & Asterian-Hydra Conflict | Great Poland & Polish-Arabian War

Day 5,865, 10:01 Published in Croatia Croatia by Janko Fran

I dedicate this article to my friend Kendo Yanar and aiver3, the CP of Poland.

Deleting of Spain & Asterian-Hydra Conflict |
Great Poland & Polish-Arabian War |
Country Production Bonuses - Day 5865 |
The Fuel Prices Return to Normal - to Initial 1 Gold

There have been significant changes on the map in the last several days and week(s) during the Amazing Journey Event as well as in its aftermath during current Weekly Challenge.

Amazing Journey Event brought enormous amounts of energy recovery and damage to the battlefields. Some countries used that boost for major war operations and with that came many epic battles.

Deleting of Spain and Conflict between Asteria and Hydra

So was the case in the war between North Macedonia and Spain, which also brought a conflict between Serbia and North Macedonia and with it the conflict of interests between Asteria and Hydra aliances as many Serbian players supported Spain, which lead to tensions and escalation of mostly verbal conflict between North Macedonian and Serbian players...

Lithuania joined in to help North Macedonia in deleting Spain...

And at some point Spain was no more on the map and also their high bonuses have been reduced to nothing, which means North Macedonia was successful in deleting Spain and Serbian support wasn't sufficient.

Now Spain is slowly returning back to the map... Currently Spain holds 3 regions: Asturias, Castilla La Mancha and Michigan.

Resistance Wars in Spain

Michigan, Spain. Lema: Si buscas una península agradable mira a tu alrededor

Míchigan - Historia - Hasta 1837 - Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos

Durante la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos, gran parte de Míchigan, habitado principalmente por colonos que apoyaban la independencia, se rebeló contra los británicos. Estos, con la ayuda de tribus indígenas locales, atacaron constantemente los asentamientos rebeldes en la región, y conquistaron Detroit. Los españoles, aliados de los rebeldes, conquistaron St. Joseph a los británicos en 1781, y cedieron el control del asentamiento a los rebeldes el día siguiente. La guerra por la independencia terminó en 1783, y Míchigan pasó a ser controlada por el recién formado Estados Unidos de América. En 1787, la región pasó a formar parte del Territorio del Noroeste. Los británicos, sin embargo, conquistaron Detroit en 1790, y solamente cedieron definitivamente el fuerte en 1796 a los Estados Unidos.

Great Poland and Polish-Arabian War

Since the recent war between Peru and Croatia/Code, I had to move my production so I chose Poland as a stable country for production in 3 out of 4 industries. More specifically Great Poland region as it seemed as a perfect choice, not so densily populated and with extra bonuses on production and house duration... However, it was quite an expensive move which required moving more than 80 companies in Weapon and WRM production. What I didn't know is that it would soon become even more expensive...

So earlier this week I woke up one day and noticed that instead of Poland my residence is in United Arab Emirates, although my residence has stayed the same; Great Poland. Basically, I went to sleep in Poland and woke up in UAE. And my Poland Production holding lost 100% bonuses on WRM (from 200% productivity to 100% ) and FRM as well...

What happened?

The war started! How did UAE dare attacking Poland!?

Great Poland, UAE - In the heart of Catholic Poland!

I started immediately the engine on my newly gained little tank:

I went right away to the armory and declared myself Protector of Poland!

And went streight to the battle for Poland against UAE...
It felt a bit like a crusade, just in reverse...

I could only imagine how crusaders felt once, long long time ago...
Most likely like this...

Unfortunately, all my efforts were in vain as mighty Poland somehow lost that battle against UAE. I thought perhaps it was a sabotage or a treason or UAE took us by surprise...

The situation proved to be difficult...
All my production halved...
And after the battle my Q7 Weapon stocks went down to 0...
My CC and gold savings were already low even before this as the event took a lot of resources, only in food it took equivalent of some extra 60 gold...

Will I have enough weapon to fight?

However I wasn't giving up...

The next day I woke up and noticed 2 players starting a Resistance War.
That's the oportunity to liberate (Great) Poland!
And Resistance Factor at 1.47.
These are pretty good chances...
What is there to think about?
Of course I am supporting the liberation of Poland!
So I joined in with my last 1000 CC and...



There were still 7 people missing supporting the war...

The waiting is the most difficult thing in the war...

If we could only speed it up somehow...

I got an idea!

So I shouted about it on my Friends Wall...

And shouted...

And shouted again...

Who can you count on if not on your friends to help you in the times of need, right?


And so...

A few hours later 10 of us brave ones gathered and started a resistance war...

At last...

Or? I started getting some support from France, Austria and Poland and soon even a Polish Minister and a CP of Poland wanted to become my friends... I felt so proud! 🙂 Helping my fellow Polish friends to liberate their homeland!

CP of Poland even voted for my post:

I felt so good! 🙂

Or? Then some weird messages started coming in from some of my close friends...
Scolding me for supporting the resistance?


I admit, for a moment I felt a bit like a Caesar Salad...

Et tu, Brute?


Any salad can become a caesar salad if you stab it enough.

So they explained to me that CP of Poland was talking to them and complaining about me... Hm...? Wtf? And that's some thanks to me for trying to help...

Lesson Learned - Don't Support Resistance Wars which are not explicitly approved by the CP and the Government of the respective region's country.

Anyway, I was warned not to support any resistance wars that are not approved by the CP and the government of that country as it seems the CP of Poland and its government arranged a Training War with United Arab Emirates in Great and Little Poland regions...

OK, lesson learned...

But, but, but... How could I have known that the Training War was arranged?
What about the players with a residence there? Don't they deserve at least a heads up before this happens? Or perhaps some compensation for lost productivity or moving the production?

So I contacted other players with residence in this region... And asked them what they thought about it... Well, none of them got heads up... Some asked the CP of Poland after they woke up in UEA what is going on and then got some explanation about the TW... But many didn't.

Some of them were still stuck with their production without adequate resources, some of them who got some tips moved their production to safer regions and many moved their production to another country where they take players who produce, and many produce a lot, anyway, where they take them more seriously...

I am still stuck as well, but have ceased most of my production and since I completed the Weekly Challenge, I am now trying to get some SH medals to be able to finance moving of the production...

Where to? I haven't decided yet...
Perhaps this could help...

Country Production Bonuses - Day 5865

Currently there are 25 relevant countries in eRepublik which have at least one productivity bonus on maximal 100%, which is an increase by 1 country.

The big news is that Romania has joined Poland with 3 productivity bonuses on maximum.

Lithuania, USA and Taiwan follow on the ranking list with both food and weapon bonuses on maximum, which means you could work as manager without moving to another region, as House and Aircraft Weapon production require workers, but could be done remotely without moving to a specific region (except to apply for a job).

United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Peru and South Africa also have 2 productivity bonuses on maximum, however you might need to commute daily. Peru and South Africa specialized in Military Industry, UAE in remote intustries (House and Aircraft Weapons) and Bulgaria is balancing between Food and Aircraft Weapon production.

The ranking list of productivity relevant countries includes also Philippines which spesialized in House production, Croatia and Canada in Weapon production and then comes a quite long list of countries specialized in Food production:
India, Indonesia, Netherlands, Ukraine, Serbia, Estonia, Portugal, Norway,
Pakistan, Cyprus, Brazil, Australia and Japan.

Also worth noting is that India is close to completing its full bonus on Aircraft Weapon production. Its Bonus Score is 190 points, which means that it has one bonus on 100% and the next highest one is on 90%.

Indonesia is in similar position with its Bonus Score on 185 points and 85% bonus on Aircraft Weapon production. Lithuania has 277 points, which makes it also not that far away from achieving Aircraft Weapon production maximum.

Poland with 340 and Romania with 322 Bonus Score points are still far from achieving their poker combination in Productivity Bonuses.

The complete table is available here:

Productivity Bonuses on Day 5865.
Click on the image above to open it in full size.

If you are going to use the data presented here to plan moving or expanding your production, also take into account specifics of each regions and their additional bonuses as well as their stability. Be careful as some regions may seem quite attractive, but could be quite polluted or used for training wars.
It might be good to check how long the region has been unoccupied and perhaps checking with the CP or government of that country if any reqions are boien of going to be used for training wars... Foreign invasions of course are not that predictable, but there is a rule that core regions, especially those in the middle of a country might be a bit more stable and less susceptable to foreign occupation, but there could be surprises there as well...

In any case, there are no guarantees... Not even for all Polish core regions... 🙂

However, here is a tip... According to Kendo Yanar Polish CP said Mazovia, Mazuria and Pomerania won't be ever used for TWs so those regions won't be conquered...

And what will I do? Where should I move my production?
Perhaps to Tyrol, Taiwan/Austria...
But that's another story and another Training War... 😉
Update [Day 5866 14:28] - The Fuel Prices Drop back to initial 1 Gold

The bug has been fixes. You can check the fuel price in the Gold Store.

Update [Day 5866] - Fuel Prices Drop from 5 Gold to 2 Gold

Most probanly it is a bug. It seems that fuel collected from daily challenges increases the price of fuel 1 Gold at a time.

According to Mister Y,
Democritus already sent a ticket about the bug: the fuel you gain every day from daily challenge increases the price of the fuel of 1 gold every day you gain it. So tomorrow you see 1 gold again, but once you gain the fuel in daily challenge it will raise to 2 gold, and so on till monday reaching 6 gold.

More on this as well as other players' opinions you could read here.

500% Fuel Prices Increase - from 1 Gold to Initial 5 Gold [Day 5865]

You can check the new price in the Gold Store.

Plato, new eRep OPEC Secretary General announced fuel prices rise of 500% after the decision to reduce production of the Fuel.

Sincerely yours,
Janko Fran

P.S. Perhaps could someone (officials perhaps?) write what Training Wars are fought where and which regions are relatively safe for production...
So if you come from one of those 25 production relevant countries, and especially if you come from Poland, Romania, Lithuania, USA, Taiwan, please, share your wisdom with the rest of us... As these kind of production/TW/RW mistakes are terribly expensive...
Although, perhaps some good articles might come out as a result...
Anyway, dear readers, feel free to write what you think in the comments...