Dear Citizens of the eUK

Day 2,692, 17:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

This article is written directly to the voting citizens of the eUK. I personally believe that voting in Max Blue is not the correct thing to do for the eUK right now. While I think Max is a great guy and writes some fantastic articles I can't support his policies. In this article I plan to outline my issues with the policies. And again another reminder before anyone gets upset I'm not insulting Max here I think he's awesome.


Let's start with the MoFA a vital part of how we run this country. Our CP needs to have a strong grasp of our place in the world and Max has only been back playing this game for a short time. There is no way he is up to date on everything and won't be able to hit the ground running.


The MoD needs to be active, competent and aggressive in getting orders out to the troops. As we've seen this month a MoD team that fails gains a lot of hate. Max's cabinet for the MoD includes Paul Tyndale as co-MoD (Paul has little/no gov xp), Atem (The failed MoD of this term) and Neil Lewis (xp in RN but I've not seen him active in government since my return to the game). The saving grace is Wookie who has MoD experience and is an active player but if they rest aren't capable then it'll be almost impossible for one man to keep things as up to date as they need to be.

Max wants to use an airstrike but has no idea on who. His commitment to use it during his term could lead to suicidal plans just as the ones leaked from the congress messages.

This also backs up my point that we need someone up to date with world goings on. Maybe Max needs time in governmental positions such as the MoD and MoFA before a CP run. Max also claims to want to go hunting for more resources which we don't need. We are in the great situation where we have 100% resource bonuses so why should we go looking for sand?

Finally, making the eUK fight for an organisation with no authority and power in wars which have nothing to do with us is not beneficial. I believe it will be a waste of CO and could bring us unwanted hate as we are forced to fight in wars and situations we know nothing about. Like America in real life. The IDA is a bad idea and not one we should blindly back just because they 'mean well'. On top of this the battles we are forced to fight in could be harmful to our allies or we could be fighting for our enemies. Do we really want CO wasted on this? Especially when they should be used to attract forig fighters to our battles. This way we'll be paying our taxes just for him to be paying us back through CO it all seems very pointless and unfair as the stronger you are the more you'll make.


Max plans to raise the work tax to levels matching other countries with 100% bonuses. He states at 4% minimum which is the level the eUK used to have and while back then it worked well I don't think it'll have any positive effects. Since congress pushed the work tax back to 3% from 1% nothing has changed so why would 4% be any different. If anything production has been hurt as those with lots of companies and working hard for the eUK are hurt. Raising taxes is not beneficial for the eUK.

So as you can tell I'm supporting Fataliix at these Presidential elections because I feel he has a safe pair of hands, a realistic military plan and will run our economy in a way that benefits the people of the eUK instead of hindering them.

Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and subscribe.
