Dakiller - The Cheat - The Facts

Day 187, 14:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nelsaidi
Summary - Dakiller the cheat, and the facts

Does dakiller cheating? You tell the admins that!

Many people have informed admins about this, and ive sent them

According to admins there is no evidence to him cheating, i agree, no 2 IP's match, but its not always about IP's.

In his first few day in erepublik, he has recieved a mass amount of gold, and bought companies. He had about 4 companies within a week of signing up. His explanation is that he invited friends who wont play the game, who then invited others, who also wont play the game, and gave him all the money. Now tell me, how come these friends that wont play the game work in his company? And how come some of them are even GM's!

Tired of admins not taking action, I decided to do that myself. With almost every forum member accusing him, he was vulnerable, so i lied. I told him i was on his side, and believed him, and to prove he isnt cheating he had to get his friend to sign up, and post, in an attempt to get him to post using the same IP, the admins will have to ban, as not doing so means they are blatently letting a cheater, well, cheat. So, he did, note at the time it happened t was about 9 - 10 o'clock. Just to help you understand, dakiller is genuily based in the UK, his ISP is Ntl (now Virgin Media), and he got his friend, subbzero, who is also based in the UK, lives near dakiller, and they both know eachother in real life. Got that? OK, lets carry on. So his friend signs up and posts, and his IP is in USA, im yet to see an isp that routes you through USA. And his ISP is a web host, not an internet serivice provider like AOL or VM, a web host provider - ie someone you host a proxy through. So weve established his other account is connecting through a proxy. So i ban the IP and when he contacts me i tell him the forum automatically bans proxy anonymizers, so now, i lost contact for a while, then i get told hes in a library, i pm him back and ask him what kind of library stays open till 10 on weekends, a few minutes later i find out its a private library. So, to sumarize, he's in a private library in the UK at about 10 o'clock, and their internet is an american webhost. Blatent lie, so, I ban them both on the forums.

A long while later, i unban him after alot of discussion, and i pm him to inform him hes been unbanned, as every UK citizen should be able to use the forums. I get the reply "ive seen the post tryin to get all mymates ips and ban them all at once", wait, wtf!? I thought he was banned on the forums, so how come hes seen the post!? Hmm, it could be his 'mate' that signed up a few days before this, and posted in the thread where that information was posted. He had the same host, and was in the same location.

Also, i find it weird, dakiller is offline one day (no stock put on market in any of his companies), and the weird thing is none of his workers worked, well except for the genuine ones. So all the people who donated money to him, and work for him, ALL didnt work the day dakiller isnt online, weird huh?

Some other facts you may find interesting, many users have donated to him £5 (citizen starting fee) and 10G (2 invites), aswell as a few giving him more than 50G. After a copy of the message i sent to the admins with IP's hes been using, he fires a few people employed in his companies who also thought he was cheating. He has also ruined the UK Economy, and its just started recovering, hes been offering ridiculous wages and selling at ridiculous prices, which were bought because his were the only on the market, despite the high price.

So that is it, all the information about dakiller is here - IP's are not posted here as it may breach the erepublik rules, but on the UK Forums all can be found and is there.

So I urge all UK Citizens to boycot his companies, and all GENUINE workers to leave his companies, and to all people recieveing job offers from him, dont accept them! I urge you to post here what you think, so the admins can see what WE, the UK and the rest of erepublik think.

Admins reading this - that is most of the things about dakiller, and i say CHEAT, and im sure all the people reading this will think so too. Hes blatently lied and even though there are no matching IP's it is pretty obious hes a cheat.

Thank you!

Nelsaidi eUK
Forum Admin