Current Financial Situation on the Market

Day 2,591, 09:54 Published in Norway Serbia by Odinim

Welcome to the very first financial analysis by the governor of eNorway.

At the beginning of this month one could have sold 1 gold for 198 cc, or sold 166,7 cc for 1 gold, but then some oscillations appeared and those who acted quickly could make some profit. The currency went down and the highlight was when 1 gold was being sold for around 225 cc earlier this month. On the other hand, if you wanted to sell currency the price went from 166,7 cc to the current 200 cc for 1 gold.

I have been regularly monitoring the market and I have not noticed any major changes there these past days, and the currency have been stable. The gold price varies from ca. 214,5 to ca. 215,5 for 1 gold. And the currency price is strongly stable 200 cc for 1 gold.

The best profit awaits those who have put the currency on the market selling 200 cc per 1 gold, but here the patience is eminent.
For those who have more time, the profit is possible by buying the gold at 214,5 cc, and selling it when 215,5 cc. With thought that you can buy 10 gold units daily, this can bring you a profit of 10-20 cc on a daily basis.

My prognoses for this month is that there won't be any big changes on the market, if no significant wars appear, or some awesome black fridays which will make you spend your real money on this stupid game.

Wish you merry christmas and happy holidays!
God jul!

Sincerely yours,