Croatia Under Fire

Day 738, 12:23 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Croatia has long been a target of PEACE due to its proximity to Serbia, Slovenia, and Hungary, all prominent PEACE members. In the past Croatia has been able to withstand all of the PEACE offensives but things are a bit different this time. Now Serbia, Slovenia, and Hungary are at it again this time with both countries directing their full attention towards the war. In the past PEACE usually had something else to worry about such as the North American invasion, this time however PEACE is using a North American invasion as a distraction to divert forces from Croatia.

Croatia is considered to be one of the most heavily fortified nations in the world. They are one of the most populated countries with over 13,000 citizens in 7 regions, this makes for a very dense population and very high walls. Out of those seven regions they also have four regions with dual Q5s. Resource wise Croatia only has one high grain region in Slavonia which is currently under attack by Serbian forces. Croatia is about the same size as Hungary however Serbia has grown to 20,000 residents making it the second largest country behind the U.S. with 21,000.

When Serbia and Hungary attacked they activated 14 MPPs which should of easily given the upper hand to Croatia, however PEACE made sure to keep Croatia's allies occupied in other parts of the world. The U.K. has made several offenses into Belgium, Sweden, and the United States. This along planting false orders and information in the top 5 media, has kept many of the two clickers from those countries away from Croatia. The downside to this strategy though is that it opens up the door for a massive invasion of the U.K. as soon as the U.K. losses the initiative and a country decides to strike back with all those MPPs to aid in the offensive. That doesn't seem to be too much of a problem for the U.K. right now as they can just use the retreat tactic to stay on the offense as long as they want.

Right now the Croatia's are holding off the Serbians in Slavonia and the Slovenians in Lika but are trailing the Hungarians in North West Croatia by about 650K with 10 hours left to go. As of recently the Croatians have managed to come back and raise the wall a bit however there is still a ways to go. PEACE does have the timezone advantage this time since the battle will end between midnight and 3 AM for most American players. With the battle ending just after the day change this is even more significant since most Americans won't be able to get a second days worth of fighting in during that 30 minutes while most Europeans will just be waking up.This will be the battle to watch today as a Croatian loss could be a huge morale killer for Croatia and momentum booster for PEACE.