CP Elections and What to Look For

Day 2,442, 17:42 Published in United Kingdom Serbia by Ludak021

Hello again my fellow UK denizens! 🙂

I will keep this very brief.
I read all "applications" for CP of UK and I personally feel that I should give you one MOST IMPORTANT pointer: TRANSPARENCY of SPENDING!

What you as ordinary (or opposition) citizens should ask for.

Yes yes, you don't like me or my "gang", I get it, but trust me on this one: ASK any of the candidates if they will be willing to put out regular (at least weekly) DETAILED list of WHERE the money went.

Simple really, MoE should have income sheet and then expenses sheet. How much for MPP, how much for this and that etc. Final numbers should match.

You will also be able to see irregularities, if any, and I guess there will be some/many since top 5 likes to stay top 5 no matter what, and thus far they have provided you with jokes, not reports on spending, BA excluded, he just...took all.

You should all ask for those reports. I don't see the fuss about the top 5 if they are not skimming form the top and lining their pockets.
It's a normal thing to do really, but I will let you be the judge of that.
Just ask yourselves: when did you see detailed reports?

I am not writing this just to stir you up a bit, I am being constructive. This would be a positive change for UK wouldn't It?

I for one will be monitoring performance of whoever wins and I will come put with my own reports if needed.
I will also reward diligent people that spot and make good arguments about spending's with 5 gold at the end of the month, and I will even give the MoE 5 gold is he does the good job, just a small incentive, since they all work for free in the name of the people, it is only fair, and at least that I can do after our mess with BA. Sorry about that :/

EDIT: Since some people don't even know what a financial report is, here is just an example given by Serbian president:
article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-19-07-28-07-2014-16-45-2419489/1/20
link to details that is in the article itself: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ambz_1rg9IHudHJTaHYzUTFBLVlOeHh0SzVtQ2MxakE#gid=0

Kind Regards,