CP Candidate for February - Vote Nohjis

Day 1,537, 16:45 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

I’ve come to you today for the culmination of this non-campaign. I would like to urge you to vote for me tomorrow, it is, ofcourse, the best choice you could make. In this article you will find an evaluation of the work of the current government and goals for the next one.

Most of the goals set out for the previous government were met. I will try to summarize them here.

The first set of goals was made for the MoHA department:
- Immigration swiftly dealt with all citizenship requests, if one remark needs to be made is that the new congress members were perhaps not sufficiently informed of the policy in place.
- Education officers contacted dozens of young citizens to help them move towards the structures put in place specifically for them.
- Research on national solidarity programs has culminated in a loan program for citizens to be accepted by congress and an ongoing debate on a program to offer financial aid to citizens who invest in their land.
- The ministry of FUN has been a grand success, thanks to decent funding our minister was able to gather plenty of participants in a wide variety of games

Next was the MoFA department:
- A return to being viewed as neutral was wished and partly achieved, the renewal of the eUS MPP, it’s good to see that we’re managing to be heard in at least a part of the TEDEN nations.
- This is not to be seen as a complete success though, tensions continue to exist with these countries and work will still be needed in the coming months.
- One of our congress members launched an NE proposal against the French, as this had not been discussed in congress, it was quickly voted down and the French were informed through their MoFA and CP.
- The eGerman president launched an NE without consulting his congress, while having a little more chance at success, this proposal failed as well.

Our Minister of Defense in a time of peace has correctly managed the administrative goals set out for him. Sadly the BAF MU has not been completely reformed to be a transparent and fully operational Military Unit yet.

Finally on the finances, we’re proud to report a record tax revenue the past month. Above that, all outstanding loans are being payed back as scheduled at the moment. The only one to have suffered some trouble with timing due to the economic changes was shadowukcs who announced it in due time. The effects have however stabilized already so it shouldn’t be a huge problem.

Is there a need to make big changes in policy during the next term ? No, I don’t feel large changes are needed. What I would like to work on as a priority is seeing the aforementioned solidarity programs brought into place this month by MoHA, and showing citizens the road to obtain the help of the state.
The Foreign Affairs department will need to work harder on the relations with our neighbours in particular and will be requested to share the results of this diplomacy with congress.
Of Defense I would expect an efficient army by the end of february. This is not an easy task to achieve ofcourse and will require the full cooperation of the military units.
More importantly, I would like to see a tax policy brought into place by Finance. The government will prepare a comprehensive policy that will ensure our citizens producing raw materials to have a chance to compete on the market while ensuring citizens producing finished products have a sufficient number of raw materials available to them and produce sufficient finished products.

So in short, if you’re happy with the work brought to you by the government this month ! Vote for us next month, we’ll do even better !

Best regards,