CoB for CP : the cabinet

Day 2,175, 21:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cry of Banshee

Greetings !
In order to make things carefully and professionally, I present to you my cabinet and all players who are sure to help and act with me.

So :

Prime minister : Winston Hope Smith

A seasoned politician who will be precious to second me in my task.

Minister of Defence : Mary Robinson

One of our best talent, both in military module than political.
He/she gained experience in politic to Congress and the Department of Immigration and is motivated to reach the next step.

Minister of Foreign affairs : Raven anarcho

The best candidate for this ministry. his work in the ambassadorship program was great, and i am full confident of his diplomacy. So a big work for him if i am elected 🙂

Minister of Education : Anthony Colby

A wise and calm player. i am sure he will continue the work of raven anarcho for a babyboom and help new citizen to be in good shape.

For the finance, i will create a Finance committee, three players will take charge of country's treasury :

liam tatlock :

Loouman :

Appleman :

There are the principal names !

Other players will work with this cabinet, as assistant, for ads, immigration etc etc.

Luc Grenier (the PP who supports me officially) : my personal assistant

the Irish william wallace : minister of liberty and freedom

a new ministry for the LULZ 🙂

Mr. Jack X : warfare assistant

BickUA : assistant to supplies for citizen when needed

If others are interested, we will see after the election, in case of .. you know 😉


BONUS PART : a eFrench tradition i forgot :

Ministry of bliss :

beautiful one

beautiful 2 a very happy one