Citizens, your country needs you!

Day 130, 09:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence
Join the UK Army Reserve or the Elite Paratroopers Today!

As a citizen of the eUK, you have the opportunity to join the UK's finest soldiers among the ranks of perhaps the most organized and battle-ready military in the eRepublik world. Your contributions may help us to defend our homeland from foreign invaders or to protect our allies and interests in far-off regions of the world. What options are available to you?

The UK Elite Paratroopers

As a paratrooper, you will be expected to serve in armed conflict in allied nations around the world. The UK Ministry of Defence hopes to work in collaboration with our allies in Europe and the rest of the world to defend our way of life and those of our allies.

The UK Army Reserve

If leaving the UK does not interest you, you still have the chance to defend your homeland from invaders that dare to set foot on our soil. Almost anyone, including General Managers and Congressmen are capable of joining the UK Army reserve as their is no risk to your political or economic position. You will be tasked with responding to invasions by moving about the UK.

What's in it for me?

You have the chance to make a name for yourself in UK history. Your decisive thinking and loyalty to the cause will get you noticed amongst your peers in the field and back home. All of your expenses - weapons, gifts, and tickets - are paid for so all that is required is your attendance, loyalty, and willingness to fight.

How do I join?

Joining is simple and usually fast. If you are of strength level 3 or above, you are guaranteed to be accepted into either the UK Reserve or Paratroopers. All that is needed to join the UK Reserve is for you to add the MoD to your friends list and you will be assigned a company and given money for weapons and tickets. If you wish to join the Paratroopers, please send a short message to the MoD notifying us of your intent.

How can I get more involved?

The UK Government maintains an excellent forum for any citizen within the UK. As a member of the Paratroopers or the Reserves, you will have additional access to a military forum where you are free to engage in discussion and to make your voice heard among our ranks. If you have not registered yet, please do so right away at:

[a url=]UK eRepublikans Forum[/a]

The war module is hardly a week away! Please get involved now! I look forward to serving with you,

-Tarquin, UK Minister of Defence.