Christmas in Armenia

Day 2,606, 11:50 Published in Armenia Armenia by ChievoKevin

Christmas in Armenia

Despite what the title says, this has nothing to do with Christmas, but rather, Christmas day.
That morning, the 6th of January, I was unable to access eRepublic, because of lack of electricity. A friend phoned me to say that another resistance war had started in Armenia. My first thought was, who would start another hopeless resistance war?

At noon, when I could access eRepublic again, I immediately looked at the war, and wonder of wonders, we were winning ! ! !
WOW, the battlefield was full of Polish players; some of them citizens of Armenia, some others former citizens of Armenia, and most I did not recognize.

Good news? or Bad news?
Well, to determine that, we need to go back a few months, in fact, to the days of the initial invasion. During that period, the Country Order of the Day (COD) was obviously Armenia, right? After all, our country was under attack, right?
WRONG ! For almost three days, our COD was centered on Poland, and only on the last day was it switched to Armenia. Interesting priorities for our president, don’t you think, since the Polish seem to love us so much, and the president at the time was Polish?
Since the invasion, and disregarding the last Resistance War, we had two other Resistance Wars.
Certainly, you might think, since our President was of Polish Origin, and the RW’s were opened upon his request, the members of the Polish contingent would hit hard, no?
Well, not really; here are the Patriot Points of our Polish Compatriots which I could check at the time:

As you can see from the screenshot, just about half of them fought in most wars,,including the last RW and got their patriot points, and about half of them did not fight at all.
Well except for our president elect, kacper5422, who, as you can see, suddenly remembered that he was an Armenian citizen (and leader of the Polish group in Armenia), changed his mind about being a spectator, and hit about 450 million damage, and managed to get a few Battle Hero medals. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but why now? I guess patriotism had an effect, but patriotism for which country? I will let you, the reader, reach your own conclusion.

I would like to remind our president that we were discussing the opportunities of opening a dialogue with the Turkish government, regarding the return of our territories. What does he think of the possibilities now? Personally, I think the chances are less than that of a snowball in Hell, but then again, what do I know? He is the master statesman.

On another, somewhat related subject, I asked our former president, sprobuj inaczej
to publish a short article, an explanation of the Armenian Treasury and the expenses during his stay in the presidency, like his predecessor did, and he promised to do that.
Two days passed, and not a peep. I guess the Armenian treasury had so much activity, we need an army of accountants to get an accurate status of our finances. Let me try to help: support for two resistance wars, 19,000 cc (I refused to accept 1,000 from the bank), plus 25,000 cc for the Combat Order. Surely, as president he must know how much money he inherited from his predecessor, and how much he left to his successor?

I think enough food for thought.

I will appreciate both your serious comments, and non-serious comments for the mission