Celio Azevedo: No friend of Democracy

Day 574, 01:20 Published in North Korea Ireland by Artaxerxes Pavonis

Now you may call me a Noob, a Nay-Sayer, or even a Fascist. None of those are true however. But what is, is the fact that Celio got help from a friend who doesn't live in NK, well, didn't 7+ hours ago. His name is Fredrick Engels, see here. Now while Celio is screaming, "LIES!!!"... I have proof. The one thing admins want when having public accusations. So here it is.

Figure 1
Celio giving Fredrick 1 unknown item. Possibly a Ticket. But then again, I wouldn't know why he would be sending him anything else on Election Day.
Link here
Celio's donation list here.

Figure 2
As you can see, Fredrick isn't from NK. His last comment was given 7 days ago. If you can't read, then why are you online doing stuff? But it is clear that he is from Estonia. He hasn't ye gotten a job, but has managed to join a party. Hmmm, the DSP....
Link here

Now while Celio says that I was a PTO, he fails to see the reason for the Democratic Process. Which is, in short, a revolution. A change of the current system (or keeping it the same) with removing the bad and/or old and adding the new. In this case, change. (Was formally keeping it the same, but when Shafer left, Aarons-Miller (idk who ¯\(°_o)/¯ ) changed it back to DSP for unknown reasons.)

So while Celio is saying he got his friend's help to stop PTO ( It can be very predictive of his actions) Where is his Integrity? What he did was hypocritical, at the very least! And so while Celio has already nominated himself for President (so soon already? Seems he knew he had this one in the bad.) We, the people of the Korean Libertarian Party, will sign Their Complaint in their Comment.

Whose the PTOer now?