Carlini 4 Congress

Day 2,252, 01:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Carlini8

Carlini and the quest for the golden Congress medal

Hi Everyone,

It has been sometime since I have produced an article as without The Legion or CP I had no reason to write one! (You may notice I am still repping the Legion graphics, nothing wrong with that!)

I am here today to make my intention to finally join congress known. I will also be fully honest and to the point, I want the medal. I don't want the 5 gold, I will throw that wherever the person who runs me for congress wants, but I want the medal to complete my set. - Top Fighter is three days away, congress is more than three days away. So...

I have never joined congress as

a) I hate the political party system - I haven't want to be involved with the party system since a party president really put me off those sorts of politics as they were a power grabber and didn't do what was best for the party

b) In my opinion congress didn't do enough, they have the power to vote, but it never seemed like there was really too much of a point to them. All they did was vote in a way to enhance the divide.

I would like to have a chance to change my mind on congress. I have no idea what is going on in congress right now, no one is telling us, it is all either secret or nothing is going on. With the alliance shake up, surely something is going on?

I do like war...

I may just be doing it for the medal, but what can I bring to Congress?

1) Activity - 22 Hardworker days and one more day to make to 23. I joined Feb 25th 2012. By Feb 25th 2014 I will have 24 medals and more days. The first day I ever missed of working was my Wedding day. ..

2) No Political Agenda - I do not care which party a CP is from, I do not care which party wants what. I will vote what I deem to be the best solution, or option, not what my party wants me to vote.

3) Experience - I have experience across all three major aspects of the game - Political, Economical and Military. Legion Commander, CP (And 6 month Party President! What a stint eh? My campaigns are epic) and my many terms as MoF show that I will know what is needed in Congress.

Time for the plug

My party currently sit outside the top 5 (only just). So I have one of two options. Have 76 people join me so I can run from congress in the mighty Carlini's Avengers or I join another party that will have me and agree to run me very high on their list.

Well, are there 75 of you out there who will join? It seems unlikely. If I get 76 pms in the next few hours, sure, why not. If by some miracle that doesn't happen, it would be great if a party would offer me the chance.

Are there any out there?

Let me know 😃
