Canada and EDEN; Why We Should Not Attack Ireland (Yet)

Day 1,666, 20:42 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Ah, I remember it as if it was just yesterday. Well, it was more like a week ago. 'CANADA LEAVES EDEN' was in bold print for the entire population of 400 men and women of the maple leaf to see. I immediately facepalmed and thought to myself, "What has Canadia gotten itself into today?" Turns out, Canada decided to part ways with their alliance of 3 years, EDEN, of which they were one of the first members. This immediately struck me with confusion; if we're all on the same side, why are we bothering with abandoning a friendly alliance? The more I looked into it, the more I understood the perplexing logic; taking orders from two HQs can be quite difficult. So, still a bit puzzled, I let the issue pass.

That is, until recently when I saw many alliances with EDEN members disappear before my eyes. Belarus, Philippines, shot down. And this surprised me. If they're our friends, why aren't we trying to help them? I read some more data and technical stuff, and I figured out the reason; it costs money to maintain alliances, and wasting money on countries that don't fight directly is pointless. OK, fair enough. But still, something bothered me.

While it's true that Canada has left EDEN, and most likely for the better, it may not be the best idea to burn down the bridges yet. Remember, there are three major alliances (Terra, EDEN, ONE), and only through united effort can Terra and EDEN hold back ONE. However, I've seen Canada increasingly assert themselves as somehow above EDEN countries and their attempts to strengthen relations. The most obvious case is when Congress nearly passed an order to attack Ireland, an EDEN country.

I get it, Ireland's not exactly our best buddy. But could we contain our lust for war long enough to realize what we're getting into? By attacking Ireland, we'd be destroying the fragile trust between our two alliances. With a war between EDEN and Terra on any scale, don't you think ONE will pounce at the chance? No, attacking Ireland directly is not the answer. And our strained relations with many EDEN countries make them hesitant to let us waltz in guns ablazing.

If we want to fight Ireland, we must show a reason for our war besides 'OMG I HAZ BAZOOKAS AND I WANTS TREU PATRIEUT'. Our Balkan acquaintance Turkey has been ostracized in such a way that EDEN most likely would rather kick them out than fight for them. If we so desire Irish territory, we must do the same with them. Keep our friendships with EDEN countries (difference between MPP and friend) and get them to kick out Ireland. After all, Ireland's not particularly liked from the start. Convince them to boot Ireland, and we can pick up the scraps. If we remain vigilant, we will feast on their graves yet. Remember, my friends, control your lust before it gets us in over our heads.

Until next time, take care!