Can you believe it?

Day 2,547, 12:38 Published in USA USA by biotoxin

I met a man about a year ago. He claims not to have seen any movies or heard any music. His primary source of entertainment was reading and working out. I knew then I had to dedicate myself to showing him the world he'd been missing his whole life.

Ever since he's been binge watching an entire lifetime of content in an effort to catch up. With some guidance he's avoided some horrible time wasters and has only been seeing the best I can think of. Though he's still so very far behind.

He so far loves house of cards, game of thrones, and various intellectual movies. I've recently shown him scarface and terminator 1&2, thank you for smoking, and oldboy both the korean original and the american remake. As much as I've shown him he still hasn't seen a fraction of what I have readily available on my hard drive. He spends a lot of his time on tv shows and is sorely lacking in movies.

I would ask anyone reading this to contribute a movie you think is worth watching so that he might experience some entertainment. Tv shows and music are also welcome. If you're curious if he's seen it or not the default assumption should be no. I believe so far in the course of the last year we've only shown him a little over 100 or so movies and perhaps 150 complete tv series. Unfortunately we haven't made more progress because two of the shows were soap operas that have been or had been on air more than 20 years resulting in an ungodly time sink.

As for music we're still experimenting trying to find what he likes, so far ac/dc and nightwish seem to be his favorites which actually line up with my interests as well. I've made recommendations but if anyone has specific songs he'd love to hear them. Truly I can say that this man was brought up in an extreme sect with no concept of pleasure and as a result the mere concept of tv nearly brings him to tears.

So please help me transform my friend in to a modern e citizen by posting a recommendation below.