Building a Foundation for Universal Learning

Day 2,950, 01:18 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cat Boyd

In my previous article, "Banist Party Premier", I laid out the fundamental tenets of Banism/Neo-Banism. In an effort to actualize these tenets and act instead of merely preach, I will be taking an initiative and I will need help!

The Banist Party would like to resurrect the eIrish University! Once a hub for active debate, sharing research, and learning from each other, it has unfortunately been defunct for over 2 years. In the Banist spirit I hope this initiative will be taken on by the rest of the community as well, a university can only work if there are more than a couple students/scientists.

I really look forward to learning from you all! I hope we can get some economists to improve the economic literacy of the citizenry, historians to educate players on the past (from the nation to wars to political parties), creative people who want to try something new! The eIrish University is NOT exclusive to the Banist Party, it is a non-partisan forum open to the public (including international students!). Let eIreland not simply be a strong militaristic nation, let it be a place people around the New World come to learn, share, and create solutions together!

Banism is a new force in politics, one that will reshape the eIrish political arena. You can become a Banist too! Click on the link to join The Banist Party! Join the REVOLUTION!

Comrade Cat