Bree's congress presentation

Day 2,073, 17:30 Published in Australia Chile by Bree K

My name is Bree under the game name bk83 and I'm standing for congress as a member of the APP. Out of the game I'm an Australian citizen born in South Africa and my family have lived here since I was small. starting off with some honesty i'm not an original APP member. My party the Green and Gold party has again become unable to stand nominations for congress and the APP has been kind to allow me to run under their name.

i've been a game member since May this year and just entered division 2 of the battle meter. So far i think i've done pretty well achieving 11 battle hero and 6 true patriot medals for Australia and always looking for smart ways to train with gold when Australia is not in battle.

The only position i have earned so far is Captain of the Kawks 3rd regiment.

my goal for congress is to achieve the best for Australia and its closest friends. anyone who has read my articles know i'm a keen supporter of South Africa and concerned about their circumstances at the current time. being more honest i don't have any policies on taxes or national defence. Any vote i cast in these areas will be made on advice from the ministers who i hope advise congress on a regular basis. if not i'll be asking for more advice so that all congress members not just me can come to the best decisions.

If you need to know anything more please send me a message and i will try my best to answer.

my best wishes and luck to everyone running in the election with a kind heart and a friendly hand.
