Battle Orders - Day 1630 - EXPIRED - See New Article

Day 1,629, 12:02 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

FIGHT FOR eFRANCE : Defend Paris Isle of France

Day 1630 : Priority 1 - Defend Paris Isle of France

FIGHT FOR eCYPRUS : Conquer Tirana

Day 1630 : Priority 2 - Conquer Tirana

FIGHT FOR eRUSSIA: Conquer Siveria

Day 1630 : Priority 3 - Conquer Siveria


Defend Paris: France is being invaded by the ridiculous Hungarians. Help defend Paris itself, and keep TEDEN strong!

Conquer Tirana: It’s been a while since we helped out in kicking FYROM butt. Hop on down to Macedonia and hit ‘em with all ya got.

Conquer Siveria: If the above two battles are over or are extremely safe, this is the next place to go for. Siveria is a region under Polish control in the middle of butt-fart nowhere. The Russians, our allies, want to take it from the Polish. Excellent!

If all of the walls are at 70% or higher, if you can, wait for the next round.

President of eCanada