Banking-Idea Banks #1

Day 1,912, 19:55 Published in USA USA by Orion Pearl

Given the difficult state of monetary affairs and generating returns on different companies, I find many citizens on shout pages asking for loans, etc. in order to garner gold for their upgrades. Welcome to the first issue of Sedimentaries, where I, Orion Pearl, will publish random thoughts in-game about potential things which could be fun, profitable, or maybe both! Given how bad I am at this internet thing, I'll try to make it fancy (but I won't do very well).


A lot of players in-game ask for microloans of about 5-10 gold usually to complete their purchases for building upgrades in time. And with loans, comes potential for:

Yes. Profit. Can't we use these trickles as an invaluable business oppurtunity to lend this gold, but at rates for a profit? If we could organize this such that people can easily access a large amount of capital, this could lead to easy pay for everyone.

Wait. Hold up. You guys are probably questioning the practicality of these estimates--sure, I know that no one will borrow 8 gold from me if I made them promise to give me 10 gold in return--thats just not practical! I dallied for a bit, and figured out that if we establish a Pigouvian tax on people's wellness, this would go by a lot faster. For example, people, when lending gold, could tell others that they would only make the microloan in the event that they provide 3 Q7 weapons per day, or 600 weapon raws per day, or some small amount that is extended over a certain period of time to make it look much more desirable. In addition, for security purposes, these activities could be conducted in public, over chat with records as a sort of "credit score", and prior to borrowing gold, the debtor would deposit a certain amount of weapons as security, or something of the sort.


The biggest problem with this idea is the off chance that a meanie can go and jack my cash. Yes. I would propose a credit rating system, where debtors must first borrow between 0-3 gold while paying lower rates of interests, and slowly build up. I will try solidifying this bank idea in the future--a pet project of Sedimentaries.