Back to eLife - Hello eIreland!

Day 2,198, 13:56 Published in Ireland Mexico by Coyolxauhqui V

Hello there eIreland!

*** Some crazy music to listen while reading

I should have done this presentation article when I first came in to eIreland, a couple months ago, but I e.died a little bit after, so there was really not much point.
However, I decided to kind of come back to the game, eRep fills very well a weird gap of idleness on the net. hehe!

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Ok, so, who am I?

My nick is Coyolxauhqui V, I know it is a difficult name for many, as it is in Nahuatl, the original language of Aztecs. For short, people just call me "Coyo".

The real Coyolxauhqui, that was found during the subway excavations in the middle of Mexico city in the Templo Mayor, she is the only war goddess of Aztec mythology, and older sister of the main war God, Huichilopoztli, with whom she had a terrible fight and ended up dismembered, becoming the Moon, and her defeated army of 400 brothers, the starts of the South.

I am Mexican-Armenian in RL, and mainly have been eMexican almost all my eLife; I was briefly ePolish because I was a producer for my small MU, I became eChilean because I got an invitation when they had the gold mine, and I was eParaguayan, which was the only country I did migrate fully to, as now I do to Ireland.

You can think me in mexican version as above, or in armenian one as bellow, I don't mind.

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In my eLife lived right up until now, I trained many Mexican newbies; never was political really with one party, but rather meta-political in a rather active way; I took care of my MU Escuadrón Chapultepec keeping Freedom of Thought and Good Fun as our main goals as a Squadron; on the official side of my eLife, I have been MoFA, Minister of Education, General adviser and President in México on several occasions. But mainly, I am what my profile says I am, simple as that.

Now I wish to be much more of a writer, every once in a while a fighter, and a helper with what I can, in Irish foreign affairs. Obviously I speak fluent Spanish, and used to know good connections in all Spanish speaking countries, except Argentina and Uruguay, so let me know if I can be useful there.
Anyways, as I was saying, I wish to be more of a writer than anything else, so I even adapted the Head-sign of my Newspaper to include English. 😁

I have written quite a bit in Spanish, now it is time to widen my scope to English. Smiley I hope I don't kill you of boredom, because I warn you already, I tend to write long texts. hahaha!

I really would like to get a Media Mogul Medal the way it was meant to be: by people liking what they read in my newspaper and therefore, subscribing.
I really dislike Voters Club and when people just give away bread or weps for subs; well, I always send the newbies or friends to get whatever they are giving out –as newbies tend to be poor in Mexico– but for me, such practices kill the media module, which is the should of the relationships that weave a community. I see this module quite healthy in eIreland, bravo!

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I mainly enjoy experimenting with this game, my motivations are not patriotic, but rather of a human-nature-on-the-web type. I can be rather eccentric, but I don't like messing with what people build with their effort in this game, or in anything really.

Ah! Just something more:

When I first arrived in eIreland, along with my eHusband Rey Mono, we became members of the Irish Army, but as I lasted so little alive after that, I returned to my Squadron to die. Now that Mexico and Ireland are allies, I think it works just fine, as long as I keep an eye open for any explicit orders for Ireland, and those shall be my priority of course.

Now, in order to get to know you nice Irish folks better, I shall be touring the Political Parties a bit, staying in each one a couple of weeks or so, if that is ok with the members of the parties. If for some reason, a party would prefer if I do not land there, just let me know via pm, no hard feelings.

Also, I am "Sis", not "bro"; "dudette" not "dude", etc…

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Ok, well I rest at your service eIrish people! 🙂
And I bring the special product from the Supreme Empire of Chocoflan:

A humble Chocoflan! 😇

(Also known as "The Imposible Cake", which is a common dessert in Mexico, and consists of half being chocolate cake, and half creme caramel; but the trick lies in the fact that they are cooked together as a whole, not by halves. It is very sweet and delicious on a cold rainy evening, can include Tequila, Mezcal or Vodka inside, for a non-kids version.
And… it is a product that Plato does Not get to sell, muahahaha!)

Cheerio for now!