B-Labs - Battle Boosters and Enrage Comrades Booster

Day 2,257, 06:03 Published in Serbia Romania by elbandido

Today, Day 2,257, until Day 2,267, a new kind of item has been implemented.

Battle Boosters are meant to add a strategic element to battles. You can find the Battle Boosters on the right side of the battlefield, right under the Combat Orders.

First Battle Booster implemented is named Enrage Comrades (maybe in the future we can activate other type of boosters). It gives a damage boost to you and the members of your Military Unit. There are 3 quality types for this booster.

Quality 1

Quality 2

Quality 3

Please note that:

- The damage bonus only applies to your Military Unit in the same battle, same side and the same division it is activated in.

- When activated, a visual effect will be shown around your weapon.

- After each use, the certain quality of the booster requires a cooldown. During this time the booster of same or lower quality cannot be activated. For example, if a quality 2 booster is in cooldown, you can activate a quality 3 one.

- Activating a higher quality booster will replace the lower quality one, if one is already activated.

- Boosters are not personal, so the cooldown and bonuses apply to you and the other members of your Military Unit who are in the same division.

- The booster expires at the end of the battle (often referred as a round by the community)

- If a personal Damage Booster is used, the damage will sum up

- Guerrilla Fights, bombs or rockets will not be affected by this booster, but Bazookas will get the damage bonus

- Rank points are gained according to the damage done, so using the booster will also give you more rank points.

For now, the Battle Boosters are available until the end of Day 2,267.

For questions or comments, please visit the Forum.

Q: Can I have a 100% booster (50 from MU and 50 from my personal booster) ?
A: This booster will be added on top of any other boosters or Natural Enemy bonus, for example. Here's an example: If you do 100 damage by default, you activate a personal 50% Damage Booster and do 150 damage. If after this you activate the Quality 3 (+50😵 bonus for your Military Unit, you will do 200 damage. So the bonus is always added to the base damage you do.

Q: But how, ex i do 10.000 with bazooka, 15.000 with my personal booster. Do i make 20.000 (add 50% on the base dmg) with battle booster or 22.500 (50% on the "improved" dmg)?
A: Both of the boosters are added separately to the base damage. So in your scenario you would do 20k. It gets a bit more complicated when Natural Enemy bonus is added. That's added after every booster etc.


Presedintii a doua tari pot face propunerea de a se alia, legea avand nevoie de aprobarea majoritatii ambelor Congrese. Costul unei astfel de aliante este de 10.000 CC (Currency).

Aliantele dureaza 30 de zile de la aprobarea in Congress si trebuiesc reinnoite luna de luna. Daca una dintre tari declara razboi celeilalte sau daca face pace cu inamicul tarii cu care este aliata, alianta se rupe.

Beneficiul adus de aliante este acela ca o tara poate sa lupte pentru cealalta fara sa fie nevoie sa-si mute cetatenii.
