As I've always suspected

Day 2,322, 10:10 Published in Canada Canada by Ralph Kline

Why does a troll, troll?

Sounds like a riddle, but it's really simple question. Most of us have made comments, that by someone's measure could be considered trolling. I read something just this morning that seems at least to shed some scientific light on the subject.The link is here

The fact is we are, as erepublik players, more psychologically akin than we would like to admit. As such, quite likely compelled to return day after day for reasons we don't understand.

Or, maybe we are all just jerks who like picking on each other. 🙂
Makes ya think a bit.

Also, can someone else please subscribe to my paper, it's been at 666 for a while now. I'm not religious in any way, but it's still freaking me out.