Artimora stodifia

Day 532, 15:48 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

And here we are, less than 10 hours before the elections open. I’ve spent the past few days networking, writing, pondering and all the good campaign stuffs. Now I’d like to present my final campaign article, which reveals the team I’ve recruited to work with me, and a neat (arguable ultimate) tl;dr of all these boring boring words I typed up. But before I dive into that, I see the need to clarify something.

Because I never did make it quite apparent as to why I’m even running, people have begun to speculate and come up with their own reasons, that’s not abnormal. This has nothing to do with political parties, in retrospect, the reason I dropped any real political endorsements is because I got sick of bringing them into this. These elections shouldn’t be about advancing a party’s political agenda, they ought to be about selecting a solid and hard working leader for the country. Believe it or not, my campaign has nothing to do with Rylde either. I genuinely think he’d make a fine president, and wouldn’t mind losing to him. If I had run, solely because I wanted to block him from office, I would’ve actually spent some time trying to discredit him (this is the first time I’ve even mentioned my opposition in one of my articles), and I certainly wouldn’t have dropped the endorsements. This is about 2 simple things.

A Promise. For a good chunk of this year, I’ve played with US citizenship, for the purpose of increasing the production in the slave pits I manage. Me coming back was an economic blow that hurt a number of eCanadians, so there had to be a good reason to justify it. A few months ago, eCanada was in turmoil, the community was shaken and weak, and we ended up lowering our standards. So when Summer rolled around and real life allowed me to permit this game to consume my life for a month if needed, I changed citizenship, and prepared to run for president in the event that there was no opposition. This really, is just an attempt to remind eCanadians of that forgotten standard, that the presidential election should be a competition where the candidates have to give it their all just to be elected. Had Connor not stepped up to run last month, I would’ve been there. Had it been Rylde, not Sperry who had dropped out, I’d still be here. Next month, if it comes to this again, expect to see me on the ballot.

For Fun. That is the point of all of this after all. These past couple days, have been some of the best I’ve spent in erepublik in a very long time. This election excites me, it intrigues me, and for the first time in months, I’m genuinely uncertain how things will turn out. When it came down to “to run or not to run”, what won me over in the end was that I would regret not doing it. I stand by that statement, so let’s have an awesome election! 🙂

Speaking of fun, in one of my earlier articles, I asked eCanadians what it was that entertained them in erepublik. I’m really interested in what people have to say, yet the comments on that article consisted primarily of 4 letters and 2 tildes >.> So I’ll ask again, Connor style, why are you all here?

Now, let me introduce you to the team, the cabinet, the cupboard, or whatever term you prefer. I’ve quite a bit of ambition for the next month, and I believe these guys can help me accomplish a number of goals and then some.

~ Le Vice President

The one and only Space Pope, Goran Thrax. One of the golden oldies of eCanada, he’s been working behind the scenes of eCanada for as long as I have, and his finger prints are all over this community. I’ve always been able to turn to him for sage advice, and maybe it has something to do with his avatar, but he’s always been effective at commanding the respect of others.

~ The Minister of Defense

Eric Last

This shouldn’t come as a shock to most people. After Goran Thrax accepted the potential VP position, he immediately recommended that Eric Last be offered the job, I responded saying he already had it. 😛 The current Vice President (and acting president), he’s been serving the executive government consistently throughout the past few months, while maintaining a standard of excellence. eCanada’s lucky that the TCO snatched him away from Ireland so long ago, and eve luckier that he’s in both proposed cabinets. (Therefore practically guaranteed a position next month 😉 )

Le Minister of Foreign Affairs ~


Considering he’s still a new player, this is an interesting decision to say the least. Originally I had intended to forgo the MoFa post all together and leave the responsibilities of dealing with the alliance and individual nations up to myself, Goran and Eric. Eventually, I decided it would be nice to throw some new blood into the mix, and give Shoi12 a shot at glory. Despite his age, if you read his articles you’d find that he has an amazing capacity to learn the game, you’d find that he’s enthusiastic about what he sees, and you’d probably come to the conclusion that he’s destined to go places around here. With the more senior members of the team watching out for him, I’m confident that Shoi12 can excel in this position.

FA's Deputy

Like I mentioned, Shoi12 is great, got potential, but is still new, and I think it's important for him to have a buddy. The good Duke is actually an older player (Powerown64) on a different account, who showed interest in being a party of the cabinet. In addition to having the experience Shoi may lack, he has a strong ability to manage groups which makes him well suited for working with the ambassador corps.

~ The Minister of Finance$


Typically, it’s the MoF’s job to get up a budget, based off approximate income and determine how that’s broken down between the MUs. Etem’s been doing this so long, I’m convinced he could do it in his sleep. This month presents a bit of a challenge however. Declining tax revenue means we have to get creative with out financial system, and if it’s a job that involves number crunching, Etemananki is usually the man for the job. (Though Thraxy has a knack and passion for this bit as well 😉 )

Financial Deputy]

Mihai Hilly
Mihai offered his assistance with finances when I began my campaig, and I've decided to take him up on it. eCanada not only needs to organize our finances this month, but I'd also like to look into alternate sources of revenue, both of which I think Mihai could be useful with.

The Edumacation Team ~

Leo Balzac & Plugson

Originally I had approached Plugson with this offer. He’s calm, pleasant, and can explain things in a way most people can understand them. (That and awesome, literally, his presence puts me in a state of awe) I had a hunch however, that he would want to be more involved in RL as opposed to erepublik after a month of MoFa’ing around the world with Sperry. This was confirmed when I approached him, but I was glad that that he agreed to take a backseat position, helping out where he could. Leo Balzac will be taking on the bulk of responsibility vested in the MoE. He’s active, dedicated and has an attitude that ensures things get done, and there’s a lot I want to see done on this front.

~ Le Media Team

I expressed interest in having a group of writers get together and let them publish articles on behalf of the government from a government organization that would be revamped for this purpose. These articles would simply be a compilation of useful information, about the domestic and international affairs and serve as a centralized information hub. I’ve tasked the following writers with the task of preparing these articles. If you gave their individual papers a read through, you may see why 😉 Chochi on the other hand is on board to "supervise".

Gatsa Bigbobo

Auk Rest

Randall Flagg 1999



Now, I’m not all that great with making pictures and catchy slogans. But what I have been able to do, after studying the long lost scrolls of NAClK9 I attained the skill of generating “word clouds”, that highlight the most frequently used words in my articles, and can serve as neat tl;dr.