Around the World #3; ONE 1, TEDEN 0

Day 1,664, 16:55 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


Iberian War


Belligerents: Portugal, China vs. Spain
Results: I challenged Spain to get on its game, and they've sure responded! As China moved on to bigger and better things, Spain pounced and took the southern half back into its hands. Portugal quickly tried to stop Spain, but with little help, Spain quickly gained the upper hand, and is marching into Portuguese lands once again.

Winner (this week): Spain
Winner (campaign): Spain

War for France


Belligerents: France, Germany, USA vs. Hungary, Poland, Slovenia
Results: In what was by far the closest battle of the week, Poland broke through US-occupied Champagne and quickly captured all of the Yankees' gains in north-east France, including Paris. Poland is now marching into Picardie and Normandy with every determination to stretch all of Central Europe, and it looks possible. And Slovenia's pestering in the south won't help EDEN either, as France was duped into NEing the southern nation. Things don't look good.

Winner (this week): Poland, Slovenia
Winner (campaign): Poland, Slovenia

Turkish Revolution


Belligerents: Turkey vs. Bulgaria, Serbia
Results: Well, so much for a revolution. Bulgaria finished off the job, wiping Turkey with speed and precision. There's not much Turkey can do, seeing as they're losing support from EDEN members, especially Greece. Looks like we'll be seeing less pink on the map for a long time.

Winner (this week): Bulgaria
Winner (campaign): Bulgaria

Macedonian War of Aggression


Belligerents: Greece vs. FYROM
Results: Slow and steady wins the race, and FYROM is sure taking its time eating up Greek lands. Despite only taking three lands all week, FYROM is looking more and more unbeatable by the second. It's gonna be hard for Greece to recover from blowout losses in Peloponnese and Thessaly, even with its successes in Egypt.

Winner (this week): FYROM
Winner (campaign): FYROM

Serbian Rebellion



Belligerents: China, Croatia, Revolutionaries vs. Serbia
Results: While Poland was off having fun in France, Serbia had a much less fun time in their own home. China swarmed in and started crushing Serbian lands in Italy, at the doorstep of Belgrade. Though Serbia managed to wipe out China's path to Serbia, it's too late; Croatia has already begun reclaiming almost all of its property, and even captured a foothold into Italy through synchronized attacks and RWs. With 4 fronts springing up with revolts from angry countries with a grudge, Serbia will have its greatest test yet in its quest to stay a superpower.

Winner (this week): Croatia, Revolutionaries
Winner (campaign): Croatia, Revolutionaries

Until next time, take care!