Applying Historical Theory to the eIrish Revolution

Day 3,121, 14:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cat Boyd

Published 14:30 on Day 3,121

Good evening my dear eIrish comrades,

I apologize for my relative inactivity the past month and a half. I am finishing my university degree and graduating in a few days. I have found some time outside of my busy work schedule and completing my senior capstone project to write this article on the eIrish historical theory on revolution.

The conditions were set for the Revolution to begin in February and March. Our national consciousness rose to its highest levels, the masses began to interpret correctly why eIreland was stagnating and dreadfully boring - locked in a position of little power and little activity. Something had to be done - but what? We were in the same position we have always been; factionalized and divided. But then came the election. Sluagh ran on a clear open mandate to become Dictator, to abolish Congress, and the Constitution. The democratic will of the people voted in favor and after that point the tides of revolution marched forward. The raised consciousness of the people lead towards revolutionary activity and conversely increased player activity.

There was protest. There was disruption. Nogin the Nog refused to concede the power entrusted to her. Her liberal application of the Constitution proved no good defense to protect her seat on the Dictatorial throne. It was a great shame that in a moment when the vast majority of eIrish society united together that the ILP, once a party that advocated revolution long ago, entrenched itself into the reactionary forces against the people. In times of Revolution the divide between revolutionaries and reactionaries (oppressors) becomes clearer. There are no moderates due to the struggles dialectical nature.

The masses organized into one revolutionary front! People from all backgrounds joined together to overthrow a corrupted and ineffectual regime that actively suppressed the democratic will of the eIrish community. It took lots of coordination, dedication, and force to oust the tyrants from power...and the people were successful! The critical moment of violent upheaval necessary to remove the oppressors from power and seize State power in the name of the eIrish Revolution.

These were the initial stages of the eIrish Revolution and must never be forgot. To quickly review the stages are: the masses gain a national consciousness which enlightens them about their oppressed conditions and become active, the lines between oppressed and oppressor become clearer as Revolution draws near, and lastly the people rise up to seize State power violently when they cannot seize it democratically.

Now where does this historical theory take us?

The cause of events after the upheaval and seizure of State power have been largely dictated by the Resource Wars event. This has shifted most of the focus towards the military aims of the Revolution which have been successful on the whole. But the social and political restructuring has yet to begin and if it does not happen then the Revolution, and eIreland, is doomed to return to its dreadful stagnated state of affairs.

Sluagh's dictatorship is a necessary stage in the historical theory. Sluagh represented the democratic wishes of the masses, the military commander who would lead the April Rising, seize State power, and be in a position to both lead and follow. A Dictator following - who? The eIrish people. It is clear that the masses yearn not only for an effective national military unit again, but the return of an exciting political module. Something that those who aren't fully engaged in the military module can enjoy, which there is a considerable population left who haven't quit yet that prefer the political and social module over the military. I am one of them.

In the coming months, if Sluagh stays true to the ideals of the Revolution, we will see the transcendence of the Dictatorship once and for all. We won't return to a "Congress" because that was part of the stagnating elements of the Old Society. We will see the restructuring of government into a radical democracy which practices mass direct democracy. The next stage in the historical theory is the abolition of the Dictatorship and the installment of a revolutionary democracy!

To reiterate the stages of the historical theory:
1) Risen national consciousness among the masses
2) The polarization of revolutionary and reactionary forces in society
3) The violent upheaval and seizure of State power
4) Installment of a revolutionary Dictatorship to transform the State
5) The eventual withering away of Dictatorship into a radical democracy

We in the IRF are the Party seeking to lead the way towards the next step. We are guided by revolutionary theory and application, we interpret events as they unfold and try to guide its direction towards carrying the Revolution further. We have a dedicated mix of revolutionaries both young and old, but all filled with hopes and determination to build a radically different society from the one that has plagued eIreland for far too long. Our aims are not only to establish the Dublin Commune as a necessary precursor for the 5th step, but to initiate community projects to help build player activity and community cohesion. We are looking for individuals who have vision and want to make this game fun again. It has certainly picked up in the last few months, let's not return to that boring slumber we've become accustomed to. Let us continue to rise to greater heights and see the revolutionary transformation of the eIrish nation!

Hail the eIrish Revolution!
Glóir don réabhlóid na hÉireann !!

The Irish Revolutionary Front demands another kind of politics, the politics of revolutionary social change. You can become a patriot too! Click on the link to join The Irish Revolutionary Front! Join the e-REVOLUTION!

Comrade Cat